Posts - Diabetes Support | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes Support

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All posts for August 2016

diabetes 100% cure therapy and research.

how i can come out of diabetes 100% . Is there have some therapy . Research stat...
mukeshdongre profile image

Recent Blood Sugar

I have recently diagnosed with High blood Sugar, an any body advise me what to d...
Hussain2016 profile image

Medical reports of my Father

This is regarding my father, Mr. Bhupendra Sharma (Age: 62 years). Medical Histo...
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Hello to all


I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for 2 years but now fully under control

I am diabetic

Recently I have been diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. FBS - 184, Alkaline phosphate...
Arindam1 profile image

Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 46

Hello all, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in early April of this year. Was...

When and how you found out you (or your loved one) had Diabetes?

Hi everyone, hope you are well and excited about being part of this new communit...
SimoneHU profile image

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