Hospital wouldn't see me on Monday as too much wax in my ears so the nurse said. She didn't believe me when I told her my first eardrum burst as a child (now 72!) Said " they always heal in 3/4 months, she was quite adamant I have it wrong. Now I have to go to the hospital to have suction. Anyone had this? I am scared as I still remember the awful earache pain all those years ago! Rang my doctor to make the appointment and he said " if you can't taste the olive oil after putting it in it is fine to put it in, despite conflicting advice.
Ear suction anyone?: Hospital wouldn't see me on... - deafPLUS
Ear suction anyone?

Gosh what an awful state of affairs. Seriously only WE know our own bodies and what is right and what is not! I was Deaf by the time I was 14 yrs old, through my life people readily (for the most part) accepted deaf IS Deaf. However, Now I'm 64 it seems everyone prefers to believe that due to my 'age' I MUST mean hard of hearing This results in me having to explain all over again! I wonder what they would have done at hospitals and clinics had I been Deaf before I was a teenager and so did not have a voice!?. I hope they get it sorted out for you properly.
Hi, annoying isn't it, I use the term profound hearing loss or deaf when talking about my mum, then when they up their volume have to say that won't help her, or me , as mum lip reads and I still won't get the beginning or ending of words despite shouting! One dr actually said yes most women her age are deaf! I then mentioned her cochlear implant. I say I have profound high frequency hearing loss for myself. I'm 60 so getting the 'age' thing too now. Frustrating and annoying
It's just that people don't get it but they don't realise that by behaving that way they exclude us so much. I may be 63 but I still want to have fun, go out, socialise etc and have a bloody good laugh but instead I'm isolated a lot because of it. I now find myself avoiding such things just because of some hearing peoples attitude to it that now at my age I'm sure to be hard of hearing when the rest of my life people accepted Deaf was Deaf :-(. They don't realise how much that affects people especially if like me they live alone. It can be a very sad and lonely existence. How embarrassed that Dr must have felt over what he said about your Mum. What a Jerk! He should well have seen that on her notes.
Hi I've had ear suction and it was much better than gp surgery washing wax out, less painful and quick too. Hope you're sorted quickly and painless, and that nurse gets her comeuppance when hospital confirm your eardrum perforated years ago
Hello Daffi, not all ear drums heal, mine have never achieved it and in fact on the NHS website regarding perforated ear drums it lists repairative surgery for those instances. The ENT nurse was misinformed as you suspect yourself.
I have regular auctioning and have had for many years (my whole life). It really isn't anything to be frightened of and it may help to remember what to expect - if you have any hearing in the ear/s you may remember it can sound quite loud, and there may be a few tweaks of pain if the wax has dried but remember no damage is being done it's just coming unstuck. If there's a hole in your ear drum the wind turbulence and cooling might make you feel dizzy. Two things to do: if you feel dizzy tell them and they'll stop to allow you to recover a little and then continue - they'll let you have these breaks as often as you need (don't wait until the room is spinning) and if there's a lot of noise and pain, ask them to use a smaller suction tube - they have a variety of sizes the narrower of which takes them a little longer but is much less loud and disruptive. I hope this makes you feel a little more prepared and remember as a child things will have seemed much more alien and frightening. It's only a couple of minutes and afterwards your ears will feel much more comfortable too
Yes it's fine. I have my audiologist in a different country a d ha e kept him as he's been really supportive and last January I had to do a 7 hour round trip to see him(he's that good) and sucked my ears out, especially my right that has significant wax built up due to virus? I had spent 2-3 weeks putting oil in at night to soften these and just as well I did. I take it your ok now? It made a huge difference to me and will to you or anyone. It drove me crazy before I had it done-the tinnitus was off the wall day and night and was truly miserable.
So thumbs up!