Hi everyone, I 'm new to DeafPlus.
I was born with poor hearing in my right ear and good hearing in my left ear. By the time I reached mid-teens I was wearing a hearing aid behind the ear with an ear mould, which lasted until my early twenties and after that I gradually lost my hearing completely in my right ear. During my thirties I developed Tinnitus and it's still with me to this day, but is manageable, and 10 years ago I started missing the odd word in conversations in my left ear. I went for hearing tests then had my 1 first digital hearing aid in 2007 with the dome ear piece which was wonderful.
Then 4 yrs ago I had a sudden loss of hearing in my left ear over night and was faced with more hearing tests followed by a scan, which showed there was nothing wrong with the outer ear to the middle ear and the answer was I had nerve deafness. I was fitted with a high powered digital aid with a small cross wire round the back of my neck, to a receiver aid in my right ear to give me hearing from both sides of my head which was a great experience. But during our recent Easter weekend I have had a further loss of hearing and at this point waiting for more appointments to start the whole process of hearing tests once more. I only hope that I don't loose what little hearing I have left.
If anyone has nerve deafness I would welcome their advice on their own experience and how they cope with it on a day to day bases.