Hi Everyone
Just found this site and wanted to say hello. I was deafened about 20 years ago and lost my hearing completely. Saw lots of specialists but no cause/treatment options really given. Went down the steroids then chemo route as it was felt this was an autoimmunity problem. Aside from feeling poisoned by professionals took myself off the immune suppressants and slowly my hearing came back to about 50%. Stayed this way for more than 10 years then really dropped again in 2010. Now having to cope with hearing aids, loop systems and that assumption that one is stupid because your hearing in compromised – no I don’t take sugar !!
I have worked for the NHS during this period – been suspended (for being deaf) and then reinstated, kicked off my team (for being deaf) then reinstated – just wonder what is going to happen next. Odd thing is that my hearing problem seems to really help build bridges with my clients (drug/alcohol problems) and many clients have said that although I do sometimes struggle with my hearing, I’m the first person who has actually listened to what they are saying.
Aside from the tinnitus which drives me to distraction at times, being deafened isn’t all bad. Once home and my ears are out (hearing aids) my neighbours are so considerate and quiet. Cold call people tend to give up the will to live after the nth time they have said who they are representing (Not big or clever but still fun). Of a night, all the residents in my street when returning home must have a red carpet and be texting their friends as I never hear them.
I would love to hear (possibly wrong term) from others who find themselves in a similar situation and deal with the everyday issues of being hard of hearing and the social isolation this can create