Who do I contact to start fund raising events for PD research?
What are some fund raising ideas for PD r... - Cure Parkinson's
What are some fund raising ideas for PD reserch?

Depends on which research you want to fund. If you would like to support the Parkinson's Improvement Programme - reg. charity no: 1137081 - then contact me. You can see the work on brainhelp.info Many of the users who benefit from this programme cannot afford to pay or donate so any help is welcome. They have in some cases regained almost normal life without medication but most just feel heaps better and stay on the meds. Some regain sense of smell and normal facial expression.
The Parkinson's Unity Walk takes place annually in Central Park, New York every April. All 100% funds donated goes towards research. I plan to attend. I am forming a team called " RVing with Parkinson's". You do not have to attend or own an RV. My goal has been spreading Parkinson's Awareness. If you would be interested in donating to the non-profit Parkinson's Unity Walk, please see:
There are all sorts of ways to raise money. I know of someone who produced a little book of poetry and prose that raised over £4000. Others raise money by selling homemade jams, marmalades and chutneys. Some sell paintings, or bake cakes. There are a million ways. Have a look on Cure Parkinsons web.

Or contact me - helen@cureparkinsons.org.uk - CPT is fully behind Parkinson's Movement, and we have loads of ideas for fundraising. Best wishes.
I created "Art for Parkinson Disease/The Sassy Nail Art Collection" specifically to raise funds for research grants to be distributed by the American Parkinson Disease Association. I want a cure! My siblings and I all inherited this disease. Please view web site: Keirdesigns.webstarts.com/index.html.
All donations go to ADPA ( I make no profit personally). After you view this site please spread the word. This has been a one-woman fund raiser so far that has brought in over $4,000.
Contact Sam (Samantha Selvarajah), Senior Events Co-ordinator, as below.
We've just spent 10 days in Tanzania on a sponsored trek on Mount Kilimanjaro.
Parkinson's UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London, SW1V 1EJ
Tel: 020 7932 1328 Email: sselvarajah@parkinsons.org.uk
Web: parkinsons.org.uk Facebook: facebook.com/parkinsonsuk
Twitter: twitter.com/parkinsonsuk
Mike A.
For more information about Bucklew’s fundraiser go to uncorkedadventures.org, or check his location at uncorkedadventures.org, or walk4parkinsons.org