Dose my GP have the rite to stop my B12 10 weeks injetion and give it ever 12 weeks without a word.
your export
Dose my GP have the rite to stop my B12 10 weeks injetion and give it ever 12 weeks without a word.
your export
hi export
Smple - last week I walked into a local GP Practice and registered. I have my frst appointment tomorrow. provided they have room on their list, it's that simple. legally you have the right to say who treats you. And your complaint is that simple also. Just telephone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 and explain it to them, and they will investigate to find out why,
good luck
(PS, I did it in style with a dentist today, too. It felt GREAAAAAT !!!!!)
Easy enough if one lives in a well supplied town or city with many GPs. If you live in a rural situation it is not so easy to change doctors and may mean many miles to visit a new one.
Your doctor should have informed you about your B12 injection.
After saying that, quite honestly I doubt the extra two weeks will make any difference to your condition.
Best the devil you know!
Curious about the B12 injection. How does it help? Thanks!
Hi export,
How long have you been having B12 shots? Do you have any neurological symptoms because of being low on B12? Though there are guidelines for how often people should have their shots it depends on their symptoms. The Pernicious Anaemia Society website discusses these issues, and if you think you need the shots more frequently there are downloadable resources for you to take to your GP. Just google it. But ask again and let us know more about this if you need to. A lot of people are having to argue for their shots, and are having down time because their doctors do not understand B12 deficiency and PA.
Some people with PD also have a B12 deficiency, which can cause fatigue and a whole host of other symptoms, and which is often undertreated or undiagnosed, because few people really understand the condition. The symptoms often get mistaken for other conditions like MS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, etc., which are very hard to treat. At best, when caught quickly enough and treated well, most issues resolve, but it does need regular shots according to the individual need of the patient.
one of the side effect of taking L-dopa is Pernicious Anaemia that is why ,Pat
Without B12 your brain is getting next to no oxygen you have no red blood cells and you are very weak .
yours EXPORT. and thank you all .
Today I saw my new GP for the first time. SUCCESS !!!! He listened to me, read my notes thoroughly, assked me a few questions, then he asked me what drugs and dosage I felt suited me best. He gave me a one month supply, plus a week spare in smaller size (2mg rather than 8) tablets in case I needed to adjust. And he wants to cut the reviews down to monthly with compulsory review visits. My last GP was quarterly reviews and prescriptions ordered, both over the phone. I think I will get on well with this guy, I feel he knows what he is doing, but, more importantly, he is genuinely interested in me as a person. Good luck with finding your new one - pray that you are as fortunate as me