In january next year my daughter is getting married 1st time being MOB (mother of bride)im so getting rather anxious though as i will be kind of in the limelight , any sort of emotion can escalate symptoms ..i was hoping that you could share what may or may not help with this ???
Anxiety and emotions!: In january next year... - Cure Parkinson's
Anxiety and emotions!

Congrats, I would ask your DR. if you might be able to double your med for that day, depending what symptoms.
How lovely - I'm jealous as I have 2 sons so can never be MoB. However I have found what works for me in reducing stress & anxiety - hypnotherapy. It doesn't work for everyone bit if it works for you there are no side-effects. The relaxation techniques used as part of therapy can be applied generally & build up over time so they're good to know in any case. As a rule of thumb in cases like this my GP prescribes a small one off dose (or 2) of Valium. I will contact you via this site 'messages' with further info on relaxation. Have a good Christmas & a wonderful wedding!!! Angela
Thanks Honeycomb ya see i didnt know the Doc could prescribe a short term fix ....i like the sound of one off treatment as i dont want another daily med to add to my regular regime along with trying the hypnotherapy ill get a dose of Vallium for the big day ...thankyou thankkyou thankyou looks like a plan...pheww
I have distinct anxiety that is c-l dopa related. When I'm wearing off I feel like the world is coming down on me. It is much worse with social events... stuns me knowing that I used to be complimented for public speaking.
hi,ive married off 2 more kids since being diagnosed ,the most important thing is feeling that u r in control,make sure u have a plan,ask people close 2u 2 deal with details ,u r there 2 enjoy,its a big day,i had someone i trust stand and walk next 2 me 2 make sure i wouldnt fall ,i ha a friend holding my remote and meds ,i had a sign system that she was always in sight and a nod from me was sufficent,remember,no 1 is judging u,,its your show ,dance make merry,congrats,p.s. b careful of taking valium or any other med u havent taken b4 u dont know how it will affect u.
This is a problem that affects us all. I always try to give myself 'me' time before any such occasion. I make myself lie on the bed and try to relax, and clear my mind. I know this is easier said than done!! Another thing I do is make sure my med times fit in with anything special, even if it means adjusting them, but always ask before you do this. The main thing is to enjoy the day. I have also found that being at such a special event can be a help in itself and you may find your symptoms lessen. Good luck.
Please don't worry. I also can do nothing right if I feel watched, but at a wedding
the whole attention will be on the blushing bride ! You will be meeting old
friends and making new ones, carried along on the tide of happiness and
celebration, and this wonderful day will finish long before you want it to.
Nobody at my daughter's wedding referred to my Parkinsons or stared,
tremors go away when there is so much happiness. Be glad for your
daughter, celebrate and enjoy !
Val x
I should think the work you will have to do you will not have time to worry
Of course you will be in the limelight because some man is marrying your beutiful daughter you must be very proud
Just be part of it all and be yourself entirely you will be loved the more for it.
I wish you all the best.
Id see a nutritionist and make sure you keep off things that excite for a few months,like sugar and caffeine.. meditation daily, gi gong slow relaxing exercises, positive affirmations 20 times before sleeping for 30 days or as long as you can. A natural calmer from homeopath. Get help with training style. Keep out of any planning or jobs that will be too much..just listen to your body. Make sure you have eaten well before the ceremony as full stonachs are calmer, just things ive tried..camomile tea always works..helps with sleeping and magnesium supplement. But ask professionals.
Have fun and beam . It will be over before you know it.
Having been diagnosed 2-1/2 years ago, in Sept i was mob for the first time! So exciting! So maany little details to tend tto. Something i could acctually do and be proud of. Obviouosly amazingly wonderfful and stressfull all at the same time. I had plenty of time to just be positive that my anxiety meds were the right dose for me, and convinced myself that the day goes by SOO FAST
sorrry...that i wanted to be sure to just enjoy every minute, aand i did.. just be happpy for your ddaughter,, as i'm sure you so are, and love every seccond of being the wonderful mob.
yes i agree with everything already said
i d o not have children and therefore do nto have this probelm (sadly)so plz enjoy the dayh 9 it will b over soon enough!!
lol JILL
Id like to thank each an every one of you individulally but as you all know sometimes it can be quite a hard task depending on how the meds are working..... I Thankyou all for your advice and well wishes .... you are all so helpful and friendly.... i will keep you updated on the build up.