As with many others, one of the discomforts identified as part of, or precipitated by PD, I have often struggled with GI issues. Whatever was prescribed or suggested did not solve my problems. I was sent to UNM for a "work-up". Cut to the chase, it appears that I have Dx: Achalasia. The surgeon said that there were 3 methods of treatment. One I forgot, 2 is surgery not recommended at my age due to a high mortality rate (-O and 3 is Botox injected into the esophagus. No comments, please about side trips past my face. Any thoughts and/or suggestions? I could use some help.
Another diagnosis ... a new one - Cure Parkinson's
Another diagnosis ... a new one

Did some reading on this and all is correct that you were told. Seems that for your age that the Botox is the safest treatment although it most likely will have to be repeated as Botox is not lasting as we know.
I myself would go for the most non evasive treatment possible and by all the information on treatment for this condition, Botox would be my route at an advanced age.
Good Luck,
Has anyone suggested diet regime as a treatment before having to give you botox injections
or any kind of invasive treatments?
Just a thought.
I wish you all the best.
Hello. I was recently diagnosed with early onset of PD and wish to share with you that for the past 10 years i have been having problems with my GI tract also which led to my being diagnosed with Achalasia. I am 55 years old. After being diagnosed with Achalasia i had the Heller Myotomy done in 2003 but that failed and i went on to have the oesophagectomy done in October 2004. I still have issues with swallowing and have a dilatation when it gets bad. There are also problems with my pylorus sphincter being tight so when i have a dilatation i also have botox at the same time.
Like PD Achalasia is for life and there is no cure.
thanks,folks. Have an aappt with GI MD next week. Willpost any helpful info.
This made me curious, I feel sure there must be a link with Parkinsons. Not much around but one article concludes: "These findings suggest that a subset of achalasia and Parkinson's disease patients with dysphagia may have similar mechanisms of neuronal degeneration responsible for esophageal dysfunction ". It's quite an old article so an area that needs further study I would think. It certainly must be a challenge for you both Christine and Gran. All the best .