Does Parkinson effect the lungs my husban... - Cure Parkinson's
Does Parkinson effect the lungs my husband., some days has such a hard time catching his breath and chokes even just drinking his coffee.

tend to put your head down, as it closes the windpipe and opens the throat when you are swallowing,, putting your head back opens the windpipe and closes his throat. That has helped me to stop choking so much.
Both breathlessness / breathing difficulties and dysphgia are symptoms that should not go ignored.
Best to consult with your doctor.
May require ENT consult.
Be well.
Carry on strong.
It seems to me it is that difficulty with trying to get up phlegm the throat always seems full
and at times I think the spasm in the throat causes breathlessness.
It tends ot be worse in a morning and at night.
Yes to both. My affected side (left) I have trouble doing deep breathing on. I read aloud to keep my voice going. Swallowing requires attention. Good luck!
I sometimes have trouble getting my breath too. When that happens I stop and take a couple deep breaths slowly. I use a straw to drink everything, even coffee. Hope this helps. Blessings.
\You don't say jhow long your husband has had PD, b ut advancved sufferers hav e swallowing difficulties, the food goes down the wrong way, and goes into the lungs. It rots and causes aspiration
pneumonia. One of the symptons is a bad cougjh. He should see his Doc.
Best wishes
Ron Hutton
Definitely see your doctor who might recommend a barium swallow test to see if your husband is aspirating while chewing/swallowing. There are some very good strategies to reduce choking, etc. and the other commenters provided some. My husband concentrates on every sip of liquid and every bite of food, putting his head down as suggested. He also adds thickener to liquids but usually a speech laguage therapist does the barium swallow test first and then makes recommendations based on the results. It's very important that your husband get help with these problems because aspiration can cause pneumonia and choking can be dangerous. Good luck.
Thanks for your input. My husband was put on Sinemet in January and has no more problems with the choking. He had previously had swallowing evals and nothing could be found. In January he had pneumonia that went sepsis and had really bad symptom of his parkinson,s and they at that time put him on the med and so far very little signs of it anymore Yea