Has anyone had vision problems due to PD ... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone had vision problems due to PD and then had a DBS operation and then found that has helped improve their vision?

No and no. Sorry!
Had DBS in September 2011 and have not noticed any difference. Tony
Yes, Mike had DBS on left side in 2009 and right in 2010. Just got new, weaker glasses last month. Took a whole year of fine tuning the programming until we felt it was time for the expense. Only needs reading glasses now., Wore glasses for years.
No double vision problems. Started with glasses when he was about 50 as his job had him working midnight to 8 and did a lot of driving. Those glasses donated to Lions Club sight program now. Even his reading glasses are less strong than before the surgery. And you are right, the DBS stopped the shaking entirely. He lost 100 lbs the prior two years from the 24 hour shakes. Sadly, gained it back, now craves ICE CREAM.