does anyone who has had dbs ever hear ver... - Cure Parkinson's
does anyone who has had dbs ever hear very soft music that is not there

My husband hasn't had DBS , he often said he can hear music .
my husband also has not had DBS but often hears music when he's in the Twilight stage of sleep. he says it often wakes him up. we would be very interested to hear other people's stories
I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2007. Recently, I can hear music when there is none. Sometimes it sounds like a choir, sometimes an orchestra, usually just changing of cords, but rarely it will be a familiar melody. I am on Sinemet, Amantadine & Azilect.
These are a kind of auditory hallucination, they are not specific to to DBS, more they are PD related. I get them too. They do not worry me. They particularly occur when there are other constant background noises, like that of a freezer or hard drive or some other continuous sound. If I try and focus on hearing them better they often go away.
Check out Oliver Sacks' Musicology
I've only heard of this strange "audio halucinations" in the book by "Oliver Sacks", entitled "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat".
I am 2 yrs. diagnosed and noticed just lately that I have music in my head. I think it is there all the time, but I only notice it when it is quiet and nothing else distracts me. Mostly these are songs I know and sometimes they have a connection to each other. It's as if all the music I have ever heard is on shuffle play in my brain. I have not have DBS.
I get more 'earworms' than I've ever had in my life since Dx 7 years ago.
thanks to all of you .it makes me feel better.i did not get support on this subject from my family but wanted me to get check up from neck up. i said if im crazy it could be worse .ha ha
diagnosed in 2009 and shortly thereafter halucinations began first in the evening, almost every evening. I can depend upon them
to show up. Doc does not undersand the cause.