anyone found anything that gives relief from this,i cant seem to relax my legs at all these days.
restless legs syndrome: anyone found... - Cure Parkinson's
restless legs syndrome

Officially, no, but maybe once in 5 or 6 months I take a single measure of brandy. Any more and it interferes with all my meds. The relief is only for one night, but even that is bliss.
It works for me, but might not work for anybody else.
Thanks for that,i may not be able to stop at a single,lol.
My foot and leg cramps were so severe, I had them day and night. My neurologist suggested taking Calcium Plus powder made by Ionic Fizz (Essence Labs). It is a perfect calcium/magnesium ratio with every co-factor needed for strong bones. and most importantly - it works with just minutes of taking it with 6 oz. of water. It is available in health food stores and is expensive: $29.98 for 7.41 oz, but worth the loss of pain. Good luck.
I failed to mention the restless leg syndrome. Quiets that in less time. Sorry for the omission,
thanks jenny i,ll check it out.
My husband messages my legs, most of the time that helps. I also found out I have very low iron. Iron supplements have helped a lot!
I know this sounds weird but a pharmacist who writes a newsletter, said to but a bar of soap between the sheet and mattress in the lower third of the bed.. We tried it and it works. We haven't needed to do it again but if the cramps and pain come back I will replace the soap i our bed.
Didn't work for me.
I too have restless leg syndrome, I take pramipexole (generic for mirapex).1.5mg.I only have to take one @bedtime so I can sleep.
I was originally given Pramipexoe as a treatment for PD. When trying to cut out this drug I found that I had RLS although the most restless part is my arms, mainly the left one. Sleep is practically impossible without the Pramipexole. To treat RLS only the dose can be the lowest dose tablet available i,e, 0,18mg, taken before bedtime. My dose is rather higher than that as I take it to treat my PD as well.
exercise, stretch and keep the legs moving. Try acetaminophen extra strength,Oxycodone 5mg,Mentax, Carbi/Levodopa 50/200 and 25/100.Trazodone 50mg, Tramadol 50mg, Use the medicine as agreed upon with your pharmacist, primary care physician, and neurologist as to time frequency and amount. Keep on experimenting with drugs, etc., until something works.
Ropinirole works for me. I take 1 8mg slow release in the morning, then 1mg at bedtime. If don't take the 1mg then it is a 50% chance that my thigh muscles start twitching.
i used to get rls and my uk doctor prescribed quininee which worked but now i dont get it at all and take nothing - this was a long tme before i was dx with pd
that should be quinine
I used ot take nightly extremely hot soaking baths for about 20 minutes. Now, I use RX
neurontin, or temazepam, or xanax to knock out the RLS and knock me out too.
I take temazapam occasionally at night but cant take it too often as it gets addictive.
My husband suffers from RLS, too. He is on 300mg of gabapentin 3x daily and it really helps.
Jose mentioned Tramadol. My Internest had prescribed Tramadol for pain & my Neurologist said no way was I to take that.Said it messes with your brain. I sure don't want that ! Guess we have to do some research on our own sometimes. I still use 400mgs.of vitamin E in the morning &400mgs. at night, plus Magnesium &Calcium for RLS. Maybe this would help someone . We're all different on what works.
If you buy supplements of any kind go to! You can buy most that I have needed at half the price of a health food store and if you order a certain amount and some days they have half price items and free shipping! Just FYI! Check it out!
.. it's funny but soap between the sheets works for me..
vitimun B1 yes know lots of people that have it