when I wake up inthe morning i have two choices i can be happpy or i can be sad.For people with parkinson,attitude is important as nutrition and excersie.it effects our symptoms.it determines wether our day will be productive or unproductive and depressing.it affects the lives of those around us
A good attutide doesn't come from wishful thinking alone ,we have to work at it Do you think you're a burden on your family. Do you devalue yorself If you view parkinsons as a weakness,stigma,somethinf to be ashamed of,rather than as a biological happening To live as fully as possible with parkinson you have to do more than overcome the thoughts and feelings by which you undermine yourself as aperson.What you give physically is not nearly as important as what you give emotionally fro your heart
Finally I want each and every onr of you to smile,force the smile if you have to,but smile because you're a human being that God has given right to seek and secure happiness