As you know, we frequently run polls on this website, on all aspects of patient experience. That's after all the point about PARKINSON'S MOVEMENT. We seek to represent the voice of patient community.
And we do make sure that that voice is heard. The data from polls conducted here will be presented at the World Parkinson Congress in Montréal in October. Your opinions will be presented to a global audience of some 5000 top doctors and scientists in the field. You will be heard.
But there's the rub. You will only be heard if you answered polls. Yet strangely as many as 90% of you do not. Sure, some polls are just for certain subgroups but most are for everyone. So surely you would wish to be heard rather than suffer in silence.
Wouldn't it be great if we could show the decision-makers data from thousands not hundreds. And there's no reason why not. There are thousands of registered users on this site. Let's hear from you. Don't be shy. Your opinion matters.
The decision-makers in Parkinson's, whether politicians, doctors or scientists can only respond to what we tell them. If we are silent, then we forfeit the right to change our own futures. If we want people to listen to us, we have to speak loud and clear.
We started PARKINSON'S MOVEMENT because we are people with Parkinson's who wanted to make a difference. Two years on, that still stands. WE want to tell the Parkinson's world what YOU think. We can only do that if you tell us.
So please use the polls. It takes only a few seconds to tick a box. A small step on its own. But when thousands do the same, a giant leap for our community.