My Life now has taken a full turn.I was an accounant by profession more into figures than letters.I was assigned the job of costing for levedopa the gold standard drug,with not much thought for what it was.untila one day when i happened to visit a friend in the neighboured,I noticed that his mother used to get up and just run across the living room
Having oberserved this for a couple od times,i asked my friend what it was all about when he mentioned about parkinson and that levodopa was the drug for this ailment.I helped procure the same from time to time.After a couple of years she passed away and i forgot all about ,till one fine day on August 2nd 1996 when I was diagnosed for parkinson it suddenly hit me like a tornado.After thirty years or so I had to take the same drug.What would you say about it ?
We the parkinsons people still have a lot to give to others despite the challenges and tough times we face with a deteriorating neurological condition We all have gifts and love to give others.When it comes our turn to leave this world we will be remembered as people who made a difference