Best things about Parkinson's so far:
1) Prime parking spot at baseball games
2) Slowing down. ( also the worst)
3) Cool new walking stick
How about you? Let's see how long the list can be.
Best things about Parkinson's so far:
1) Prime parking spot at baseball games
2) Slowing down. ( also the worst)
3) Cool new walking stick
How about you? Let's see how long the list can be.
I have nothing as well......I hate it....but I live with....because I have no choice.
I have yet to find a good thing about Parkinson's. I am looking for one -- a cure!
Best thing for me - finding who your friends are. Most of mine ran for the hills lol x
Whys that ?
Don't really know, I guess they are too busy with their own 'stuff'. My really true friends are always there though - that's what I think is good - you realise who your TRUE friends are.
That happened to me too. People just bailed. My old friends stuck with me, and one true new friend, too. It's strange. I have not found anything "good" about having PD, though.
My life slowing down, more time with family.
I now have more empathy for others.
Time with grandbabies.
Did I say, "Time with grandbabies?"
And yea!!
Meet new and interesting people in support groups and medical staff.
New and unusual things to do like speech therapy.
Very interesting affliction. Ye' know interesting to read up about.
I've got a couple of cool new walking sticks.
Insight into a form of suffering that was hither to, largely hidden from us.
I get to take very subsidised classes in Tai Chi.
Interesting discussions on websites like this one.
Go to go - come back later. TTFN
1. it has uncovered compassion in me and in my children that none of us ever knew was possible.
2 it has enabled me to slow down and I am strolling through a field of flowers rather than thrashing through the marsh with a machette in each haNd.
3 I now treasure life, each and every day.
4. It's not ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. (Fill in the blank with your favorite terminal illnes or deadly disease.
5 It responds to medication that mahes it less disgusting.
I think that if you look at PD you have two ways of looking ar it and both are correct.
It is a pain in the a----se!
However if you get out and talk about it you get to meet some wonderful people such as Bryn Williams,and Tom issacs, John Ball and Greg Wasson , who with myself were,the four dIskenetic Amigos from WPC2010 Also Bob Kuhn the Canadian lawyer who has nearly completed a world tour to promote WPc2013..
could go on but you get my theme.
Be positive its better than getting morose
Cheers johnsilk
Don't want to get all philosophical, but in this life we're all dealt a hand of good and bad cards. PD is certainly one of the bad ones and its caused me some s..t!
Good cards? Like johnsilk, the new people I get to meet, and yes, those guys from WPC2010 are some of the best I've ever met. Its' also given me a sense of bloody minded determination I never knew I had.
A cure WILL come and when that day arrives will I get pi...d!
David Murray
PD--it makes a great excuse for all things lacking in my personality.
Best things?
1. It's not cancer.
2. It;s not a heart attack
3. It's not a stroke.
Socrates thought that if all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence every one must take an equal portion, most persons would be contented to take their own and depart. I'm goiing home.
Slowing down enough to notice life's blessings ~ big and small.
Learning to listen to my body.
Appreciating life.
Realizing there are much worse things.
Knowing that I am loved.
oh, and I discovered the joy of Yoga!
PD has made me mindful that paying attention to the moment so I don't ibjure myself instead of head in clouds.
PD has made it necessary for me to smike at strangers and ask for help. I get lovely smiles back.
PD has made me ontime for events first time in life.
My sense of hearing is good & smell poor.
PD has given me many gifts
Thanks everyone for all the great comments. I was just trying to get through the day. Many great ideas and thoughts. Thanks to all
As a nurse and caregiver to my husband, I know it could be much worse. Of course, I am an optimist and he is a pessimist- maybe why we have been together for 42 years.We balance each other out. The best thing about PD is meeting the wonderful doctors and nurses and all I have learned in the last 5 years. I have been able to use my knowledge to help others.
My old Gran (who was broad Yorkshire) never let anything get her down, she used to say when owt went wrong
''ah weel a' reckon we mun all have to just keep knocking on an' minding t 'trams''
She was right of course.
keep your sense of humour.
What a great idea! glass half full not half empty!!
1) I love parking close to every store. 2) the people I have met thru my PD clinic are the best caring people 3)Nurse Steve is the best! 4) I learned who are real friends and who are not 5) cool canes 6) very cool walking stick 7) t-shirt with scribbles that reads "parkies tatoo shop" LOL
I am thankful everyday I wake up and I can walk, Parknson is horrid but how you reacted or being upset make a dffenerence how bad you are.
I want a T shirt like that!
I bought at a parkinson t-shirt site while I thought it was terriable funny most people don't, my minister friend was iin Africa at an kids homes and we did a skype feed and on the feed he said KIM we are looking to open your tattoo shop, I was smiling others didn't understand, I hadjust recently showed my friend this shirt. Youn can make a shirt, go to a fabic or craft store and they sell iron-on fabric squares you can put thru the copy machine, just make you paper design and copy on the fabric then iron on the t-shirt. one rule: only a Parkie can call themselves a "Parkie' KADIE
p.s Ihave source to have thse shirts make I will check in that . Any other clever sayings??
Best things?
1. It's not cancer.
2. It;s not a heart attack
3. It's not a stroke.
PD has made me "thankful" for the "good days" when I can get out of bed, go outside and "enjoy the morning" doesn't happen very often, but that just goes to show what "ordinary, every-day" actions are taken for "granted" when you're healthy.......and how "so many people" take their "Health" for granted....not "Thanking the Lord" for it.......... Then again, "we all were in that boat" before PD.
early boarding... but I'd rather wait.
I've been trying to think of some thing good, so far the only thing I can think of, it's always easy to get out of things I don't really want to do " I'm just to tired, or don't feel good right now." Not that great, think I'd rather have to do things.
Martini shaken haha not stired
I kill at doing the "hokey cokey" especially the "shake it all about" bit. Lmao
I have learned I have some very wonderful friends.
I put more into each day I am alive.
I have met all of you, true heroes.
Not bad.
There is not one thing good about having Parkinson's. I would like to know who thought up this silly question, I'll bet they don't have PD!!
Sorry to anyone I offended with this posting. I do have pd, have had for some time. I know there is not alot of fun things about pd, believe me. I just try to get through the day. I do apologize if I offended anyone.
It wasnt a silly question at all and you did not offend me in the slightest, we`ve got enough to cope with having Parkinsons and I saw your blog as a bit of fun (as I`m sure majority of others did too) nothing wrong with that and thankyou for posting it.
Not a silly question and don't apologise. There are so many funny haha things happen to me i am thinking of doing stand up comedy. Well maybe sit down comedy. (diagnosed 2005)
The best things about PD for me:
1. Divorce
2. Early retirement
3. Excuse for headspinning due to menopause.
4. Using therapy as an excuse to paint all night.
5. A lovely walking stick.
6. A puppy. (I'm pretty sure a terrier will be a hopeless assistant dog, but he makes me laugh.)
7. Being one of the town's eccentrics (there are many)
8. Realising you are the crazy on the bus.
I have always been optimistic and did have an amazing career. I'm pretty fearless now, what is there to lose? If someone said "let's climb K2" I would say "when?" (you might have to carry me, but I would try).
We have exactly the same list!
I love this questions it gives people cause to think and love life as you are not as you want to be. I firmly believe this PD is Gods way of me helping someone else.
You did not offend me and I did not mean to be rude. However I hate the physical limitations this disease puts on me. I can still work because I have an office at home and still have enough coordination to use a computer. My husband retired 10 years ago and means well and I know I should be grateful for his help, but he insists on going everywhere with me and never lets me drive which makes me fear I will loose the ability if I don't keep in practice. It makes me nuts to see my house turn into a wreck and I am just too tired to do anything about it.
It seems to me to have been a very sensible question that required us to consider and decide upon what we may be blessings consequent from PD. Most things are not entirely clear cut and I believe that we should be allowed mixed feelings regarding our afflictions and / or difficult circumstances, whatever they may be. My glass is half full and half empty. It would be a shame only ever to see it as half empty.
1. Don't have to clean the snow off my vehicle at 5:30 in the morning in winter
2. Don't have to go outside when its below zero
3. Fish whenever I can
4. lots of time with my hubby
5. learning to quilt
6. Having someone ask me to look on the bright side of Parkinsons
I thought about this question for the last few hours and I think it was a great questions with lots of great answers. Its been 5 years since my diagnosis and looking back, I thought then that by now I'd be in terrible shape and dependent on others for everything. I think my answer now would be that Parkinson's has given me time. Time to spend with family, time to slow down and enjoy life when I can, time to pursue things I never had time for, time to exercise, time for friendships, etc. I hardly ever am in a rush, time for hobbies, etc. When I was teaching I was always in a rush when I was home, trying to fit everything in and not giving myself time to enjoy life.(fishing, fishing, fishing, in the summer) I am still independent and can do most everything for myself, just may do it differently and slower. Yeah!
Laughter is the best medicine!!
btw who`s up for one of my famous online "Parkie Parties" on August 4th.....its in celebration of my 50th birthday
I've found if I didn't try to laugh at the effects of my Pd then I'd cry and my wonderful wife is the same.
1. I have a really cool mic and waistband amp to use at work now, because I was getting a bit softly spoken to be heard in class.
2. When my coordination allows me to play my saxophone I have a wicked vibrato.
3. We haave a nice aautomaatic car now because my wife got tired of haaving to change her underwear after every gear change when I was driving.
4. If I ever learn Dutch the double vowels won't be a problem - see previous entry
5. The discomfort of shaking so much when at football (soccer) games meant I missed seeing my team Charlton Athletic getting relegated.
#6 was going to be the shaken not stirred cocktail gag
Two serious ones
I've found out how helpful and funny the girls where I teach are. They are almost disappointed when I don't need help and I will never forget the question I was asked. It was an assembly to tell my classes about my Pd. to keep things light I told them that my balance issues meant I was rubbish at games on the Wii. A hand went up.
"have you got any video clips of that?"
I have found out that my wife is even more wonderful that I could have imagined.
I like your post mathsman. btw Charlton Athletic were promoted to the Football League Championship Division......they were champions of League One and my team Sheffield Wednesday were runners up and promoted with them.
I was lucky enough to be in a hospitality box at the Valley when we clinched the title with a win against Wycombe wanderers.
Food drink and a warm room. The only way to watch!
Hope we both enjoy next season.
(shuffles off whistling 'always look on the bright side of life')
Huddersfield Town were also promoted through the play offs cos they beat Sheffield UTD # Laughs out loud uncontrolably # It was a good day for the blue & white half of Sheffield that saturday. Yes I`m sure both our teams will do well this coming season, Sheffield Wednesday have bought Portugese International player Amedo ( think thats how its spelt ) he played in Euro 2012 . Anyeway good luck to both our teams
What a wonderful response! You found out your wife is even more wonderful than a gift! SO happy for you.
I'm a more tolerant of others - a much nicer person in fact
Meeting such interesting people - didn't realise there were such caring people in this world
Finding new friends I wouldn't have otherwise met
Getting priority boarding on planes!
Having a built in excuse if I'm asked to something I don't really fancy!
Not having to dry dishes!
How did you get out of drying dishes?
Wait........I live on my own and my puppy has very short legs
great posts
Having PD has been a learning experience.. I have learned
1. to slow down and relax,everything does not need to be done NOW
2.things could be worse,I am still able to do so many things
3.its ok to ask for help,people do care and want to do whatever they can for me
what a great attitude you have, I agree about the parking, and the walking stick! I have learnt more patience, and a good sense of humour has improved (most of the time) and I get to see my grand children, and family more, until 3 years ago I was working min 60 hours a week, and trying to run a home. best wishes to you cazx
same to you cazbaz
Thanks to all for the great posts!
Two sides to every story
Parkinsons's on a…........ Bad Day
P...... is for Panic when you freeze on the spot
A..... is for Anger when your losing the plot
R..... is for Resting you need to allow.
K..... is for Kidding, rest when & how?
I..... is for Isolation you feel when your down
N.... is for Nights when your still wandering around
S.... .is for Sadness no more climbing the hills.
O... is for OFF ...keep taking the pills for Newly diagnosed & the fear
S... . is for Slowness that will appear for Disease what a dreadful name
I... .is for Impulsive behavour & the shame
S.... is for Shaking your body all over
E.. .is for Envy for those with no tremor
A... is for Annoyed having to use a stick
S... is for Stiff body feels like a brick
E... is for Energy that doesn't stay long
But on a…...........Good Day
P.... is for Parkinson's people you meet for Activities you still can complete
R.... is for Research... getting closer each day for Kindness that comes your way
I.... is for Independence hang on to it tight for Nurse, she helps with your plight for Singing so warm up that voice for ON, now let us rejoice for Never , never ever give in for Smile now give us a grin for Dance as best that you can for Intimate with your loving man for Sunny days that make you feel better for Enjoy make the most of this letter for Able to pull on your shoes for Sleep go on have a snooze for Everyone.
We only get one shot so make the most of what ever you've got.
I like this. Thanks for sharing!
1. Everyone smiles and will make way for you if you're using a walker. (I'd highly recommend that you swallow your pride and get one.) You have a chair wherever you go and extra help doing chores around the house.
2. I believe that most likely my PD is a trial that my creator has given me to help me keep focussed on Him and the experiences I go through make me stronger to face whatever may come in the future. And I thank Him for that.