why am i so tired all d time is it d pd m... - Cure Parkinson's

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why am i so tired all d time is it d pd medication

ftadh profile image
16 Replies
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16 Replies
grayland profile image

Age old question. I think it is one of the classic symptoms of pd. Of all the symptoms it has been the hardest one for me and the one that has made me retire. However, a nap a day and I'm pretty good. Good luck

Melodysam1890 profile image
Melodysam1890 in reply to grayland

The main reason I retired too - after almost a year on medications, though, I seem to have a little more energy and stamina ...

etterus profile image

It's probably both the PD and meds... double whammy!

Ladyinred profile image

It is probably a combination of both....but there may be other medical factors contributing to this which might merit discussion with your neurologist / movement disorder specialist ...like for example many pd patients suffer from Vitamin D and b12 deficiency which by themselves can cause fatigue plus also if you suffer from orthostatic hypotension this can also contribute to fatigue plus

Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms.there fore, it is important to discuss thoroughly with physician and exclude other problems. Also discuss medicine adjustment ..for instance intake of amantadine to help with fatigue.

BaileyT profile image

I was told by my physical therapist that when meds wear off, our muscles are

going crazy, it's like they are fighting each other. which takes alot of energy.

It made alot of sense to me.

I dont know what medication you are on, but ask for a Blood glucose test if necessary a glucose tolerance test just to rule out Diabetes.

ftadh profile image
ftadh in reply to

im on sinemet plus 3 a day and 6 other tabs 4 heart condition and depression had glucose test done its perfect

PatV profile image

I'm sure it's both. Also I've stopped taking my b vitamins because I'm not absorbing them. Looking for a liquid or chewable.

Ladyinred profile image
Ladyinred in reply to PatV

Best thi g to try is either intramuscular B12 or intranasal both available( iM of course cheaper!) can also try sublingual but may not get absorbed as well like the above two compounds ..good luck ...talk to your doctor for prescription

wordworks2001 profile image

PD takes a lot out of us. We have to concentrate just to accomplish the most simple of tasks. The constant tremors and dyskinesia/dystonia burns a lot of calories too. Some PD meds can cause insomnia. The way I combat my fatigue is to take a short nap any time I feel too tired to perform. Vitamin B12, the kind that dissolves under your tongue, also will give you bursts of energy.

alllowercase profile image


It very probably is, or it could be a particular mixture of meds.

Are you on long terh treatment for anything else, as well as PD? I have a spinal injury, and they had me on 4000 (yes, 4000) mg of paracetomol a day and 240 mg of codein. When my PD was diagnosed, they put me on sinmet. Bye Bye world, and save a fortune on heating bills because you are never out of your bed. But this was changed to co-coreldopa, and it helped a lot. Now I only have 2 short siestas a day. It is supposed to be the same drug, but there must be some subtle difference.

Good luck


Bravebeagle1 profile image

I'm fairly new to PD, at least the diagnosis, I have fatigue for a long time, but sinemet did make it worse, now I'm changing to Requip and Azilect, we'll see, I off antidepressants for the first time in 6 years, to prepare for Azilect. A real strange thing happened just the other day, and I'm sure unrelated, but I am very anemic, hemaglobin dropped to 6.8, need 2 units of blood. I have orthopedic hypotention so I think that kind of hid the anemia, but maybe cbc test maybe a good idea everyonce and a while

jeaniegal profile image

I just got up from my nap. I take Azilect. I was very tired before I had the PD diagnosis, now I see it it was part of the disease process. I work in the morning and come home and nap for 1 1/2 hours and return to work in the evening if I have to. Still I manage to sleep at least eight hours a night even with all this napping.

ftadh profile image
ftadh in reply to jeaniegal

hi tank u for ur msg i cant sleep at nite more dan 4 hrs itsdrivin me mad dont nap durin d day just keep fighting it im on sinemet 3 a day

Joyable profile image

My fatigue started about 3 yrs before my Nov. 2006 dx. So it wasn't sinemet that set it off. Could be PD itself since signs of PD began showing up as early as 2002.

Falling asleep on the job was one reason I had to stop working in Nov. 2005. Yet, I had no trouble sleeping at night until July 2006 - 3 mos before dx. The fatigue was severe for yrs. I'd fall asleep involuntarily while on the computer, reading, watching TV, talking with someone, etc.

Started taking Trazodone for sleep at night about 1.5 yrs ago. Then 7 or 8 mos. ago I finally started taking it on a regular schedule. Although I still get fatigued & drift off to asleep during the day on occasion, my sleep disorder & energy level have dramatically improved especially over the last 4 months. It seems Trazodone/sleeping regularly at night made the difference for me. I now feel so much better - get more things done during the day - awake more hours & more energy.

Hope you're able to find a way to deal with your fatigue. What PD medication(s) do you take? I think you mentioned in a previous comment that you take heart medication & one other type. Have you checked with doctors to see if another medication could be causing fatigue? What has your neurologist said about it? Have any of your doctors suggested a treatment plan or given you any suggestions?

I encourage you to expediently & persistently seek some relief from fatigue. Your doctors need to know details of your particular fatigue - all med's you take & other factors - all info that could be relevant so that doctors can base treatment & suggestions on your particular case of fatigue. I wish I found help sooner. I had tried other things that didn't work including adjusting existing medications, household members trying to keep me awake during the day, ambien, and 4 sleep studies that ended up with recommendations to use a C-PAP which didn't make a difference.

I discovered that when I changed my meds I was not as tired.

3 yrs later I was tired, again. Found out I had low iron.

Don't know if I am use to my current level of energy or if I actually have more. :)

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