Like Court - see erlier question - I'm fed up reading that PD causes people to lose weight! Mine has steadily gone up since I started on medication and in the last month, since adding an anti depressant, I have just ballooned. None of my clothes fit. In a few months I seem to have gone from slim and attractive to old and fat and I hate it - my size itself is enough to make me depressed. I have to lose weight.
I have read quite a few pieces of research online that suggest that a low carb diet has been shown to benefit people with several brain disorders including Parkinsons. I want to try it. However, I also know that eating protein can make l-dopa drugs ( I take madopar) less effective because protein crosses the blood brain barrier and blocks the action of the drugs. I find that my drugs seem less effective if I have them too close to eating protein.
I'm desperate to lose weight but don't want to risk screwing up my drugs. Has anyone any experience with low carb diets?