AndyC's been made redundant: Andy has been... - Cure Parkinson's

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AndyC's been made redundant

drew410 profile image
81 Replies

Andy has been made redundant just weeks after informing his employers he has been dx'd with PD. Any and all help would be appreciated.

We are all one big family - now's the time to unite and fight for Andy

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drew410 profile image
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81 Replies

Don't look back, look forward. This is an opportunity, time to do something else. I have seen too many people fight and grind themselves into the ground over employment issues.

You can have a new career, I did. Deep breath and get going with a new challenge x

Jupeter profile image

CAB is best. My wife used to work for the CAB and she says there will be experts in employment law who will advise and, where appropriate, act on behalf of you.

Good Luck - it is bad enough getting this damn condition without employers taking that attitude.

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Jupeter

Thanks I`m going to my local CAB on Thursday morning first thing to get as much advice as i can.

I cant help feeling if I didnt have PD then maybe they would have kept me on!

Whats really pissed me off is the fact that when the DVLA revoked my licence I had to stop driving the company minibus ( I still have an ordinary car licence ) - fair enough - but my boss said he couldnt let me do escorting / support work duties until he`d had a medical report from my GP duly sent him my medical report ( I have a copy, Its all positive ) then he said "oh I`ve sent it to my legal team and I`m awaiting their reply" thing I know I`m being made redundant !!!.....they wouldnt even keep me on in the cleaning duties they`d put me on whilst waiting for my medical report...... WTF!!!

Jupeter profile image
Jupeter in reply to AndyC

The timing seems to support your suspicion. I don't know the nature of your (ex)job but there must be some way of sharing your duties with others so the boss doesn't lose anything and nor do you.

Best of luck

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Jupeter

It was working with Adults with learning disabilities and I was told they were fully staffed up and there were no oppertunities for me!

Susie01 profile image
Susie01 in reply to AndyC

So sorry Andy,

It seems the UK is different in regards to driving. When my daughter went to get her leaner's permit I asked if there were any restrictions on driving and PD, I was told there was not. There have been times I had to drive even though I felt unsure of it. I just drive really slow in the slow lane. I guess there is not enough public education in the US for them to know there might be difficulties driving with PD.

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Susie01

Hi Susie

What makes me angry is up to my licence being revoked they were happy to have me driving the minibus but as soon as I lost the entitlement to drive it things totally changed in that they wouldnt let me be an escort on it until they`d had a medical report from my Doctor!!... WTF? Why did they suddenly "need" a medical report for me to be an escort and not when I was actually the driver?? Figure that one out!!!

Susie01 profile image
Susie01 in reply to AndyC

Hey Andy,

Life can be so unfair...I have not been able ot find a job since last summer and am still playing the waiting game with disability and Vocational Rehab.

It is all so crazy, when I was hired at my last job I was very open with the Dept. Manager that I had PD and just how bad things had become before diagnosis and treatment. Turns out, she did not tell Human Resources or Nursing Managment. When they found out, it was my last day of work. I did talk with a disability advocate, but really did not have a wobbly leg to stand on. The hospital asked me to take my job description to my neuro and ask his opinion as to whether or not I could do the job and he said "NO"!

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC

they are b******ds and you are doing the right thing and fighting them - othwise they will never learn that they cannot treat people like this -- all the best and love you xxxx

This is blatant discrimination!! do you work for a local authority? if so you should contact the HR team. If you are a union member (even if you are not) they may be able to advise/support you. But I do agree totally with HH. You have wonderful talents - there is a job out there waiting for you with people who want you. I hope you boss sleeps easily. I am so sorry -keep your chin up xx.

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Not local authority, private company and i contacted UNISON and they directed me to my local branch so i`m gonna call em tomorrow and get their advice.

I wont let them get me down and my chin is held high! :-)

compucure profile image

Andy it is said that losing is gaining. Have you considered claiming Disability Living Allowance? My thoughts are with you. Tony

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to compucure

I`ve been rejected for DLA.......I`m not disabled enough!! ..... WTF

Leyther profile image
Leyther in reply to AndyC


please pm me re this


AndyC profile image

Just want to say how much everyones help and support means to me at this worrying time....THANKYOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART :-)

I will bounce back and my chin is held high :-)

Andy xxx

JanellenGrimaldi profile image
JanellenGrimaldi in reply to AndyC

Yessiree!!! Cheers and keep moving forward!



drew410 profile image

As we discussed on the phone, CAB is good move. Likewise Unison. DDA is, I feel, a major factor. I appreciate people saying just move on but injustice such as this cannot be ignored or employers will just continue to run roughshod over us. This is not a political statement it's real life affecting real people especially those with disabilities. Elaine is doingsome investigating - may take a day or two but you know we are both behind you, cheers mate

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to drew410

I appreciate it greatly cheers buddy :-)

Murf profile image

Hello Andy - PM me please



JAYNIE profile image

with your gr8 attitude will for sure come out the winner!!!!!


superjanet profile image

What about the Disability Discrimination Act - seems disgraceful that an organisation working with people with disabilities would discriminate like this against an employee. My husband was a chauffeur and was diagnosed with Parkinson's at age 60. His consultant said he would be able to keep him able to work until retirement age, and in fact he did not retire until he was nearly 66. He worked for a University, and he continued as it's macebearer until he was nearly 70. Thank goodness not all employers are the same. Good luck with your efforts!

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to superjanet

Hi superjanet

I`m gonna get advice from my union, A.C.A.S. and the CAB

Why did they suddenly "need" a report from my GP for me to cary on doing escorting / support worker duties and not when I was driving the minibus for them b4 my licence was revoked......frankly it stinks!!!!

jillannf6 profile image

Hi Andy again

U r a grsat. Guy who needs your work

I had to apply twice for dla and only got it after the PSP diagnosis

And. A letter from my consultant

Lol Jill'

Keep a smile on


jillannf6 profile image

Bur u r young. To have Pd is awful

At my age (66) it is not so important to have work

But thE extra from the Dla has been helpful fore my care and for getting a mobility car for my partner to drive me around in

Lol Jill

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to jillannf6

Hi Jill

I think because I only have a mild tremor in my right hand they dont consider me disabled enough and because I live on my own and dont rely on anyone to help me with things...I will appeal so we will see what comes of that.

Hope all ok with you :-)

Andy xx

Helshubby profile image

Check out the Equality Act 2010 which i think supercedes the DDA and covers much more. I think your employer is in breach of the Act as , it sounds like , they haven't attempted to make "reasonable adjustment" to accomodate your "disability". Definitely get your Union involved as they should provide legal advice and will even fight it on your behalf - have you thought about contacting your MP ?

If you are prepared to fight this outrageous injustice - fight it !! Otherwise the employer will think they can do what they want.

Stay Strong


AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Helshubby

Hi Dave

I just spoke to my union and because I`ve only been a member since 18th April 2012 they cant offer me any help as yet.....not until I`ve been a member for 4 weeks. I`m gonna give ACAS a call and I`m going to the CAB aswell. Hadnt thought about my local MP, I`ll find out who it is and contact them



drew410 profile image

Spot on HelsHubby. Will check out EA 2010. Knowledge is power. My wife is going to create a press release and run it past Andy. She's out all day today but tomorrow maybe get something down on paper. His ex employer is in for a shock I think. Take on the HU mob if you think your hard enough! LOL

Helshubby profile image
Helshubby in reply to drew410

Glad to's a situation i've been in but was given "ill health retirement" after my employer offered me a "reasonable adjustment" then took it away (they basically "created" a post but then realised what they'd done and withdrew it !!) My Union fought my corner,along with the Parkinson UK rep and got me the best "deal" - am only 46yrs old but get DLA and ESA thanks to the Parkinsons UK rep. My only advice would be to get as much help as you can - there's always someone who knows something that will help

Helshubby profile image
Helshubby in reply to Helshubby

Before you think i "gave in" it took them 2yrs to get rid of me !!

I may not have won but i gave them a fight !!

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to drew410

great to see you back here doing your thing drew -- i , like most of the pd ers think that andy should fight this disgraceful bit of discrimination - it's all very well to move on but not if you need to work and earn money .. so i am sure that with all the great support and advice he is getting here - he will get justice xxx

lightning profile image


Don't give in to this blatant discrimination. It happened to me and with the help of a good employment lawyer I'm taking my former employers to an Employment Tribunal..Your former employers had a duty of care to you which it seems they have not exercised. I also suspect that a number of formal procedural matters have also been conveniently overlooked...your 'redundancy' seems too damned convenient.

There are firms of lawyers who will take on employment work on a no win no fee basis and it might be worth trying to find one in your area. Your trade union should also be with you, make sure that they are.

I fully understand the 'just move on' argument since taking on this kind of fight is not easy. However it is possible to look for a new opportunity and still fight this kind of blatant injustice, the two things are not mutually exclusive.

Good luck to you, take them on but don't let it become an obsession you have the rest of your life to enjoy.

cofion gorau David

Sadiesadie profile image

You can fight to try to regain your job back or you can accept this as a new chapter in your life. I am in the USA and was "laid off" from a job I loved and thought I would stay at until I said it was time to go. But that was not to be the case. So I have picked myself up, you need to do the same. There seems to be a common theme here which is your employer owed you something. That is not exactly correct, they owed you a safe work environment but they did not owe you a "duty of care".

So for me personally, I would not fight this but look at it as a opprotunity to do something else with your life, something that you have always wanted to do but couldn't because "work took up too much time", start a new phase in your life!! You need all your strength fighting PD, why wage a war with your former employer that you may not win and even if you did, would probably not satisfy you.

tonton15 profile image
tonton15 in reply to Sadiesadie

OH I think he should definately fight this - but should his employer offer him his job back he can tell them to kiss his ass - He will be onto bigger and better things with a employer who will appreciate him. He was doing what he loved - just my opinions here.

Sandralaw profile image

Listen Andy I can help you financially when you are ready please contact me through here as I work from home and make a decent amount of money its legal and believe me its not governed by uk tax and its very honest and no cash outlay whatsoever. I say this as a PD person I have tried every route in home working and its taken me two years to secure what is a great part-time job. You can claim Disability and Mobility and Carers allowance if you are not alone with Income support it is £335 a week and your entitled to Housing Benefit and Council Tax full amount. BUT I am not that inhibited as of yet with PD and can still work and have mobility so I have to work and choose to if you find you need a part-time income that will pay £14.000 part time please contact myself. I wish I was not like this and I prey for you to be better. I take my Azalect its just so good but I also take TMG its £5.50 for 30 tablets lasts 10 days but you get a discount the more you buy, type it into your search engine it is sent out free post by EVERGREEN it helps with muscle cramps and has made such a difference. Good luck remember Belief is your friend if you dwell on it it affects you more.

Dopadocdotcom profile image
Dopadocdotcom in reply to Sandralaw

Great and useful comment. In the US this would be grounds for a major lawsuit if Andy were able to demonstrate that he could maintain a commercial driver's license. Does the UK legal system bear any similarity with respect to the opportunity to litigate for this type of groundless disability discrimination?

ma4PDcure profile image

Please excuse me 4 being naive but what does it mean " has been made redundant" ?

drew410 profile image
drew410 in reply to ma4PDcure

When an employer says that the job you are employed to do no longer is required then the employee is 'made redundant' i.e. no job for him/her. Should be given notice - usually minimum of 1 month to find alternative employment with another company. In Andy's case very dubious reason for redundancy

tonton15 profile image
tonton15 in reply to ma4PDcure

He was let go of his job

fgall profile image

Employers attitudes need to change. I was working for Dick sporting goods and had a bad off moment. When asked if could go home got huge attitude. The issue that got to me is Dicks sponsors Parkinsons events and boasts about there support and understanding of parkinsons Whatever!!!!!

Court profile image

Hi Andy.

You now have the Parkinsons Community united backing you. I think you should fight as this is what you believe is right, and I am sure most people would do the same. However, do not let the injustice get to you - I am sure you won't. You still have your wonderful children and your Saturdays.

Your Company do not seem to have a sympathetic bone in their body. How can a slight tremor make you unfit for work. I am sure a lot of people are holding down far more difficult jobs with health problems.It depends on the employer, I suppose. My relative worked with Parkinsons for about 12 years, eventually when it became impossible for her to move without help, she was offered redundancy. But they managed to work round her problems until then. Seems like where there's a will there's a way!!

With you all the way.

Sue :-)

wifeofparky profile image

In th UK being made redundant is a lay off in the US. Basically they told Andy they don't need his services as an employee any longer.

That is definitely discrimination and in the US I could give you a long list of attorenys who would take your case. Keep fighting Andy.

tonton15 profile image

REDUNDANT means he was let go of his job position!

TOTALLY WRONG! His PD is not even a concern in my mind for his employer to be singling him out yet I Feel they DID just that!!!!!

I hope he fights them to the max and proves they were in the wrong as they are - and they need to learn that they just cannot do this to employees cos he is only the beginning of whom they will try to do this to and get away with it if they can. Its totally wrong and his previous employer obviously needs to be educated about PD and I wish I COULD do that for HIM :) grrrrrrrr very flustrating to sit back and watch knowing how wrong this all is to Andy - He WILL find a employer who appreciates him but meanwhile that is not the point here~

You know you have my back Andy :)

love ya xx


Sandralaw profile image

What really helpful answers it sounds like a lot of you are in USA well here when I returned from Spain in 2010 after being diagnosed from 2006 my GP head of the practise knew less than I had picked up. Is it because it is a syndrome you cannot help only maintain that causes lack of knowledge.?

I went into Addenbrookes for a removal of my 4th Vertabrea in my spine in my neck even the brain neurologist had to get a parkinsons expert in, what makes me laugh is the ignorance of them.

I am back off to Spain a different place where there are real experts in Jan 2013 to stay and live, the uk is not the place I left at all. There is a clinic in Frankfurt who for 12000 euros to 15.000 no more do a stem cell from your hip and implant it in the area where your dopamine is supplied from your brain this has a 90% movement ability increase. I will post name asap.

cowmom27 profile image

Andy, first off let me say --your employer is a jerk. You should fight this but don't let it consume you. I was in healthcare and had just changed jobs--had employee physical in AM and was diagnosed that same day in the afternoon. I was upfront with my employer as well as my patients----drew blood, started IVS and NEVER received 1 complaint from any patient. It was my choice to leave that position and return to longterm care where I worked for the next 4 yrts until I retired. I knew there were some in upper management who were bothered by my PD but my staff and co-workers were nothing but supportive----I knew when I felt I was not able to fulfill the respomnsibilities of my position and after 46 yrs of nursing I retired. I have worked harder since then ----started a new relationship after 15 yrs on my own, actually take 'care' of him, cooking, cleaning, etc. Sold my condo and we live in a 55+ community, busy with various forms of crafting, spend time with my grandkids, have a busy summer of traveling ahead,,,,,,,,yes I still have PD but I also have a life to live aznd I plan to do just that. Go get them Andy ---its time for the ignoramuses of this world to get educated and another phrase comes to mind---WHAT GOES AROUND USUALLY COMES AROUND----your boss is not out of the woods AND the MAN upstairs is watching!!!! Good luck.

Cerelia profile image

That is awful for you Andy. You've been given a lot of good advice here, and all I can add is follow as much of it as possible, explore every avenue, but at the same time keep positive and look at other options for employment. The job ypu were doing is one that needs a special kind of person. They were silly to let you go, it's their loss

And stress causes Parkinson's to become worse.

They not only took your job, but have added to your health problem.

Praying all works out for your best!

GrammyC profile image

Fight 'em, Andy! It's called discrimination. We are all behind you.

dottie profile image

Hi everyone,

I haven't read every single post, forgive me. ANY employer has to realize that any written or spoken comment associated with Parkinsons' or ANY other chronic disease is in serious violation of ADA. I had a VERY messy time when my team leader, an engineer, wrote down IN MY REVIEW that I had trouble because I had Parkinsons. He had a writing fetish and had written down everything. The state I live in permits the employee see their employee file. I got mine, asked the VP of HR for a CONFIDENTIAL meeting and got to the meeting which also was a hostile environment, another violation. He was there, screamed at me and the VP just let him go after me. I resigned on the spot, and walked straight into the best discrimination lawyer I could find. Sparing you the gory details, a year later we settled out of court. The VP was fired and they now have a Manager for the admin staff, instead of a fanatical engineer who writes everything down. They also got a 20 K slap on the wrist.

I'm over it now, but writing it here, I am again AMAZED that none of them knew that they were in "florid violation of a FEDERAL law"(my neurologist's words).

Good luck to all of you. Be AWARE of possible violation of ADA and get things in writing, which can be difficult, but persistence pays off. I am now self employed and loving it. Bye bye corporate America!

AndyC profile image

WOW !!! is all I can say really. I am absolutely overwhelmed by everyones support and advice on this plus the words of encouragement....Fantastic!! :-)

What a fantastic awesome community!


drew410 profile image


I thought that when I started this blog it would promote discussion but the response is overwhelming.

I am so pleased for Andy. Go get them son, the troops are with you!

tlongmire profile image

Good luck Andy. There are a lot of people behind you and hoping the best for you. Have a great day! :-)

Helshubby profile image

Just came to me - have you rang the Parkinsons UK Helpline ? It was Parkinsons Awareness Week not so long ago after all . They have area reps (mine in Cumbria is very good) who may be able to "exert a bit of influence"

Local Press will be very interested (if all else fails !!)

Good Luck

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to Helshubby

Good idea

Please dothis Andy

Lol Jill

JanellenGrimaldi profile image

Oh Andy! Not cool! Keep on truckin', though!!! Don't let this defeat you in any way!! Love and support to you dude!



ma4PDcure profile image

Thank you all for letting me in on what "redundant" word meant. I suspected that it might have meant exactly what you all said it means but just wanted to be sure plus gave me an opportunity to be part of this delicate matter. Anyways, Andy and all who have been subjected to this or who knows anyone who has been subjected to this unforgiving and spineless act of maladjusted souls in our so called fair working society of corporate America, you have my sincere thoughts and support on my behalf. I can say that I honestly feel for those subjected to this discrimination in the work force because I, myself, may have been the subject of the same thing almost 3 yrs ago. My situation is a bit complicated and not sure if by relinquishing my past postition based upon numerous factors was the ultimate and logical decision to ensure a safeguard of their business at hand and to avoid any potential liabilities down the road as a direct result of my PD or whether they were truly looking out for the benefits of my family and I by supporting my claim for permanent LTD or both. I do have to say that my previous employment involved direct contacts with people and involved decisions making that affected their lives. Without being too specific I encourage any thoughts or questions you may have.

Go get them Andy!!! The cause is worth the fight.

jillannf6 profile image

Hi Andy

I am a bit better as the move out of my apt has happened .

But we still cannot move into the new one ax the bathroom is nowhere near finished

So we are staying at a local pub go be near the action.and my falls are much reduced

But I am so concerned about u and convinced u have a good case

Lo Jill


Joealt profile image

Hold your ground.

Don't you get some sort of review before these things occure?

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to Joealt

In my case I didnt.... on Monday 30th April at 4.30pm I was called into my boss`s office to be told the bad news... that they were having to let me go and that it was to be my last day.......I finished work at 5pm!! period of notice, no review, no warning....Nothing!! .....I was out of his office by 4.35pm

Noooooooo - that is NOT right. How long did you work for this company? Were you permanent? This is awful. xx

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

I started working for them in August 2011 and I was permanent working 20 hours a week although I never signed a contract that I can remember....but that goes for a few staff there I think!

Dont let the Bastards get you down, Laraine is on the case for you and will contact you , with all the legal stuff , she said the CAB are fantastic and will do all they can for you , also get the local press involved as employers do not want bad PR , more so when they are in the health care business, it was good to talk with you today, i will phone you in the morning



Get it Right up them and round them as they say in Glasgow

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Cheers Al

"They dont like it up em Mr Mainwaring!" to quote corporal Jones :-) lol

Drews wife Elaine I believe is contacting my local newspaper and TV station

I`m off to the CAB tomorrow as soon as they open at 10am

Spectrum Social Care`s name will be mud!!

Cheers buddy :-)

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to AndyC

Up and under as the rugby league types say In St Helena

Lol Jill


As i said today, i can give you a sales job in Sheffield , keep it in mind


AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Cheers mate I will :-)

in reply to

Do you have any jobs in the USA ?

in reply to

Sorry pal ,only uk

Sandra65 profile image

I think it is disgusting how you have been treated Andy. Good luck in whatever you do xxx

cowmom27 profile image

Andy are you feeling the love? This is totally awesome reading the support coming your way from around the world!!!! LOVIN' THIS SITE more and more every day. God bless you, Andy. Gail---western NY, USA

Bambi profile image

Andy you go get em, don't let these horrible people at Spectrum grind you down. Everyone on this site is behind you. xxx

jillannf6 profile image

Or "up and under"

As themrugby l league types say of old

Lol Jill


AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to jillannf6

Aaahhhhh I remember good old Eddie Waring lol :-)

Andy xx

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to AndyC


How r umtoday?

Your 3 kids will b looking fwd to tomorrow

And do,u geet any extra time with them at the bank hol weekend ?

Lol Jill


AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to jillannf6

Hi Jill :-)

I`m doin ok thanks, just made enquiries about another support work job and applied for a couple yesterday....fingers crossed :-)

Yes my kids will be looking forward to tomorrow, as am I....they will take my mind off things......and no doubt tire me out!! lol :-) Hopefully weather will be nice and yes I`m gonna see if my ex wife will let me spend some time with them on monday, even if its only a couple of hours.

Andy xx

drew410 profile image

Document swent to Look North, local BBC centre and Sheffield Star newspaper

Discrimination of Person with Parkinson's.

Mr C was diagnosed with Parkinson's 26 October 2011 and at the time was employed by Spectrum Social Care, Sheffield. Main duty was driving mini bus to collect adults with learning difficulties to and from the centre. An escort went with Mr C each time.

He carried on with these duties until 14 March 2012 when DVLA revoked his C1 D1 part of his driving licence but leaving him permission to drive a car. He suggested to management that the mini bus roles could be reversed i.e. he would be the escort and the escort become the driver. He was told that he could not become an escort until a medical report had been received from his doctor although they allowed him to keep driving the mini bus until his licence was revoked!

The report duly sent back from doctor. Mr C got a copy which said that in essence that all he had was slight tremor in right hand and that he could in effect continue doing any duties. Spectrum said he could only do "light duties" i.e. clean the centre and other odd jobs. Curious.

Monday 30th April as 4.30pm he was ushered into his manager's office to be told "This is your last day - I'm going to have to let you go". His shift finished at 5.00pm that day. The reason given for "letting him go" was that Spectrum was curtailing using the mini bus and there was no other job for him!

I refer to the Disability Discrimination Act which requires an employer to offer and employee "reasonable adjustments" to enable employment to continue. That was not offered. DDA has been superseded by Equality Act 2010, which is an enhancement of DDA.

Looking at the Spectrum web site there is a logo top right hand side "Positive About Disabled People". I think that is Ironic.

I am of the opinion this is discrimination and an insult. I think Spectrum wanted rid of Mr C but have gone about it in a monstrous way. The worst thing that can happen to anyone with Parkinson's is getting stressed out. Can you imagine what Mr C is going through?

I have Parkinson's so I know he is going through hell. This Care organisation does not care in my opinion. Clumsy, thoughtless and their actions are illegal, I believe. Mr C has taken advice from CAB and been in touch with an employment solicitor.

In the meantime, I think this human interest story should be run to show the total disregard to a person diagnosed with a chronic neurological condition, from a Social Care organisation.

AndyC profile image

Thanks again everyone for your many words of help and encouragement. :-)

As of today ( 3rd May ) I have started the ball rolling with regards to taking my (ex) employers to a tribunal for Unfair Dismissal......Please read Drew410`s blog regarding a press release....Thankyou Drew........I have been given some excellent advice by a lawyer who specialises in Employment Law and he confirms I have an excellent case against my (ex) things are moving forward on that front....I have been to the unemployment office with regards to my unemployment, housing and council tax all in all a positive day :-)....Oh and thanks Al for the job offer.

I cant thank you all enough for all your wonderful support.....LOVE U ALL :-)

Watch This Space!!

Andy xx

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to AndyC

WOW ANDY - this so wonderful - everyone has said how much they love you and care about what happens to you = did you know that you cannot make a person reduntant - only a job ?

so pleased you are taking them to court - if they go that is - my bet is they will settle out of court


AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to shasha

I am totally overwhelmed by everyones love and support and help, I am humbled by it all, honestly I really am. What a wonderful loving awesome community!

Hey and maybe they will, they will not want the adverse publicity thats for sure! They owe me big time!!

Love Andy xxx

gazelleuk profile image
gazelleuk in reply to AndyC

I'm here

AndyC profile image

Thankyou for all your help Ileene :-) you are a star xx

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