Are people with pd all highly intelligent? - Cure Parkinson's
Are people with pd all highly intelligent?

Hilary, It goes without saying....(I'm feeling better today.)
i have always thought that !!
YES Yes Yes Yes
Yes, and modest too!!!!!!
That's what two neuros have told me...
Oh Yes!! Just as any of us, we'd be the first to admit it! Thanks for the question - it just made my day.
Of course. It goes without saying. I am always telling people this. Though actually I did read it somewhere, and who am I to disagree.
Absolutely - without question!!!
My mom with Parkinson's graduated first from her law school class back in the 1950s. I consider her highly intelligent. My friend who has young onset is also very bright... that is the extent of my fist hand experience....oh and you all seem very bright too!!!
I think that may be true -but so are well people like yourself... but the question is are we all nervy people as well???
The people I know are and some particularly talented .. I also think that living with Parkinsons makes one nervy anxious become alarmed more easily . It goes with the territory ..
Could you repeat the question?
I was always the smart one in my family growing up with 2 sisters and 2 brothers. I graduated summa cum laude from college and was able to go to school, work full time, raise 2 wonderful children into valuable adults who love to help people, all at the same time. And that was back when I had to travel for a hour after work to class, no computer classes back then. Now I'm lucky to keep 2 checkbooks balanced and pay bills. Can't multitask anymore or organize or teach now but I have discovered my creative side, which I had no time to use before this beast called Parkinson's came to call. Now I have the time to be home with my husband and enjoy what I still can do. This is so much fun now, even with the Parkinson's , I wish I had explored this part of me earlier in life. Would have been more fun for my kids and I years ago!
Im sure this is true? Did you ever consider alternative therapies for recovery from this illness. Gi gong and veggie diet good..
Well I for one have discovered hidden talents that I was previously unaware of, but I'm unsure how much that indicates a high intelligence or not, lol. Probably reading more now and writing poems helps. Last night I dreamt £1m on "Who wants to b e a millionaire" without using the help things - I knew the answers all the way until the final and then I just guessed and got it correct! Chris Terrant was hugging me and so I very quickly awoke up with hot sweats and heart beating fast. Major disapointment!