Osteopath: Has anyone seen an osteopath for... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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7 Replies

Has anyone seen an osteopath for their parky? I am going to see one on Thursday who says she is very experienced in the condition and knows lots of 'tricks' to help us along. I am open to anything and will report back on thursday following my session :))

7 Replies

Looking forward to hearing some "tricks".

Jeni profile image

I will be waiting to hear from you....

hilarypeta profile image

Im seeing one who does kinesiology. He does more of the latter. But shoulder and hand exercises help. Also acupuncture for balance...

monast profile image

I have read and heard about this and are looking forward to hear about your experience. A Baby -1 year old, in our family - had strong pains and cried out this pain. After seeing an osteopath he found out that both her sholder and hips were not linked to the bone. After his treatment the cries of pain stopped!

Dennis profile image

I look forward to your post... ~~Dennis

Sorry it has taken so long to post. My visit to the osteopath was a great success! I was twisted and turned, pushed and prodded and asked to walk around the room in my bra and knickers! Although I lost a little dignity I gained some useful information. I have no sign of 'lead pipe syndrome' in my leg although it is fully evident in my arm. Apparently the reason my leg is dragging is due to the signals from my brain not reaching my foot. So when I start walking I must repeatedly tell my hip, knee, ankle and foot the correct movements they should be making. It does actually work! My daughter was amazed, but ii is exausting and if you get distracted at all it reverts to dragging as I found out when I had a fit of the giggles whilst shopping. It's worth a try and I was very pleased. I am going for my next session on 17th xx

monast profile image

I am thinking about seeing an osteopath because of great pain in my leg/ancle/thigh/hip. I wonder if there is anything he/she can do for a Parkinsonist

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