Has anyone experience Jaw Clenching? is it related to dopamine levels?
Has anyone experience Jaw Clenching? is i... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone experience Jaw Clenching? is it related to dopamine levels?

I experience it when medicated. Not when I am unmedicated.
It used to be so for me as well when I was taking Sinemet. Now I'm on Crexont which is a relief from most of the problems with generic fast acting Sinemet.
My problem with extended release is the random on time. For IR, I can fairly expect to be on in 30 minutes.
I have the same problem... ER on can be in 45 min or in 2 hours... IR 30-40 min, it only takes more time when I ate so much protein less than 2 hours before
With extended release you have to establish a regular schedule based on past experience, with small adjustments based on the last 24 hours of experience. It requires patience and tolerance. You cannot adjust it hour by hour.
Sorry, I can't understand. Can you explain more in detail? ER brings more on time than IR for you?
Early on, not long after my diagnosis, I experienced dyskinesia with immediate release. Been using extended release ever since. Not able to say whether or not I get more on time. But I can say that I do not have distinct off and on times with extended release. When I start to get low on dopamine it is not abrupt and disabling.
It sounds great, actually, I take one Sinemet Plus ER by day, in the morning that allow to have more on time, but I was unable to use it in other intakes of the day... How did you adjust your dosis to stay ok without intense fluctuations?
how is Crexont
One word : Life changer!! Finally. Almost....except for my speech, everything else is better than the misery I have been through for most of my 12 year journey. It lasts for a very long time and once I get on, it is impossible to tell after the first dose when to take the second one and rarely ever for the third one.
People have reported going up to 9 hours or more per dose. But to each their own and since it has been only about 6 months in the market, it is too soon to tell. My doctor told me to take every 6 hours, but they are not even sure. Amneal pharmaceuticals says that Crexont has shown to last 50 minutes longer than Rytary.
I think that they don't even know what they have stumbled upon 😂😅
Once in a while, someone invents something useful and someone gets lucky. You might ask your doctor for samples. They give a one month trial.
I am considering it. Thanks for sharing. Post any additional details you might have.
Im experiencing it last couple of weeks.Don't know why. I don't realise I'm doing it until I start getting an achy jaw.
I'mI'm opposite to Jaypwp when my meds wear off my jaw clamps together. I also grind my teeth in my sleep, especially in "wear off" . Sacro cranial therapy has helped with the resulting migraines, but I think I've always ground in my sleep. Just much worse now, especially when stressed.
Not got PD but do tend to clench jaw. Likely due to psychological tension but understand that it can be due to low GABA, and measures to improve this with valerian, theanine, green tea/matcha have improved situation. (Being objective though, other aspects of health have improved which will of course have an impact.)
I have PD, remain unmedicated due to jaw clenching.. I have broken teeth due to C/L. Also weirdly I find I clench my butt cheeks. I few months back decided to retry C/L 3 days in both affectations returned. Tried 6 or 8 different meds no luck.
I clench my jaw when I am going into my off phase. It used to be horrible, before DBS, but now it is tolerable although I am hoping it will go away altogether with some tweaks to my programming. I wear a dental appliance at night and keep one handy most of the time, just in case. Before DBS, my jaw would clench so tightly that it was painful and I couldn’t open my mouth to save my life. It was absolutely miserable, then I briefly went through a phase post DBS where my jaw was moving (teeth lightly clacking) all night and I couldn’t sleep, but that has improved and now it is just occasional. In addition to a variety of dental appliances, I also used silicone straws to chew on in order to save my teeth. My speech therapist says that dental hygiene is critical to avoid aspiration pneumonia.