This is my second letter to Health Unlocked concerning the same subject.The last time I wrote, a fellow Parkie replied with pumpkin seed oil; the pumpkin seed oil did not work for me. I did not feel that the first time I tried an item, the item would work for me. I was taking 5mg daily of oxybutynin chloride (for overactive bladders) in addition to 20mg daily of furosemide (a diuretic). The oxybutynin chloride was discontinued because I had stopped urinating. I am wheelchair-bound; once I get my first urge to urinate, I have about 15 start emptying my bladder, and that has led to a few embarrassing situations. What I need is the name(s) of some holistic items that have worked for you in halting incontinence. My thanks to all who reply!!!!
Need Help With Incontinence: This is my... - Cure Parkinson's
Need Help With Incontinence

I am not advocating any of this just noting information available in addition to the medicatons:
botox injection
surgical interventions (probably would have to discuss with the doctor)
Nerve stimulation:
Sacral neuromodulation: Implanting a device to stimulate the sacral nerve which can help with bladder control
Tibial nerve stimulation: A newer option that may be effective for some individuals with Parkinson'
Going back to basics...has a urinary tract infection been excluded?
I use physio exercises for the pelvic floor and it has helped immensely
Have you heard of condom catheters? Usually used for nighttime but if you issue isn’t addressed, you may check them out. They used to be available from Hospice of Cincinnati and now I think are carried by Walgreens.
i'm sorry to hear you are struggling with bladder urgency and. I highly suggest you see a pelvic floor physical therapist. There are two that will make it easier for you to get to the bathroom in time. Once you feel the urge, come on close your eyes and open them real tight and after you've done that five or six times then pucker your lips and open your mouth real wide. That will Start a pelvic floor activation that will help you to get to the bathroom in time if you want a podcast that has good pelvic floor on it I'll send it to you.