What is the common consensus when it comes to caffeine and Tremors being worse from caffeine?
how much caffeine do you think?
how long does the impact last?
What is the common consensus when it comes to caffeine and Tremors being worse from caffeine?
how much caffeine do you think?
how long does the impact last?
Detailed Response Parkibot:
Caffeine and Its Effects on Tremors
Caffeine is known to influence movement disorders, including Parkinson's Disease. Some studies suggest that caffeine may exacerbate tremors, particularly when individuals are already prone to them. For instance, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke mentions that excessive caffeine can cause a temporary tremor or aggravate existing tremors [1].
On the other hand, there has been research suggesting that caffeine might offer some benefits in terms of alertness and could potentially have a neuroprotective effect, but these findings are mixed and often context-dependent. In patients with Parkinson's, caffeine shows varying effects: while some report slight improvements in symptoms or alertness, others experience increased dyskinesia, significantly complicating the therapeutic picture [2] [3].
How Much Caffeine is Generally Used?
There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer regarding how much caffeine may impact tremors, as tolerance varies widely among individuals. Clinical studies have utilized daily doses ranging from 100 to 200 mg of caffeine, corresponding roughly to about one to two cups of coffee [4]. It's crucial to approach caffeine consumption individually, taking into account personal experiences with tremors and sensitivities.
Duration of Impact
The effects of caffeine on tremors can be quite transient. Caffeine may initially increase alertness and provide some symptomatic relief, but it is also known to cause fluttering of symptoms shortly after consumption [5]. Moreover, the excitatory effects of caffeine can quickly wear off, leading to a return or worsening of symptoms, particularly if individuals consume higher amounts than they are accustomed to. The half-life of caffeine in the bloodstream is approximately three to seven hours, which means the acute effects can linger in the system for a considerable time but might not persist in producing positive effects on tremor management.
1. Tremor | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
2. Caffeine as symptomatic treatment for Parkinson disease (Café-PD)
3. Caffeine for treatment of Parkinson disease: A randomized controlled ...
4. Motor improvement in Parkinson's disease patients receiving caffeine ...
5. How can caffeine alleviate the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
I can only speak from my personal experience~~~~~I was just diagnosed with Parkinson's in September of last year. I am 84, have been a Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee addict for 20 years. I actually feel better and more centered after my iced coffee, 12 months a year. Sometimes I have home made but....the real thing seems to sharpen my mind and energize me. For me...it is a good thing....everyone is different....I have mine iced coffee, cream only...4 creams. I drink it all day.....it doesn't keep me awake. 💞
Commented on at some length here: healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
i think it exacerbates my tremors through release of adrenaline but it’s transient
Hello ~ Caffeine increases my HwP’s tremors and anxiety. Now he only drinks decaf and we primarily use Califia Oat Barista Blend in it.
Last fall he tried going back on caffeinated coffee and his tremors and anxiety were off the charts!!! He was so bad!!! So never again!!
Makes my tremors and shakiness worse, so I will have maybe a half cup every so often (only add some oat milk). It gives me energy without impacting my tremors much. Also helps with keeping me 'more regular'
I do have an aggravation of my symptoms with consumption of caffeine including tremor, heart fluttering and general nervous, "over-caffeinated" feeling, SOMETIMES. I am currently experimenting with the connection between caffeine induced symptom and b-complex and high does B1 therapy. I'm currently thinking something in a b-complex vitamin leads to this condition. It seems like if I take a pause from the b-complex I do not have this happen. I only drink 1/2 to 1 cups of black coffee per occasion (once per day). Has anyone else experienced this connection?
Be careful of decaf. Some use TCE.
TCE? Some decaf not safe? I see Lipton tea is 77mg caffeine!