Finances - a huge elephant in the room for people with Parkinson's and their families- I think it is important to address this topic and discuss ideas people have on how to address it. This is on top of lives which are already financially challenging. -
Finances - an elephant in the room Finances - Cure Parkinson's
Finances - an elephant in the room Finances
I will only say one thing and leave it at that. The moment one is diagnosed, all financial responsibilities need to be revoked!!!
Wow, someone finally said it. I have heard that affluent people with P.D. fare better. That makes sense, as they would have access to the best traditional care options as well as alternative care. My naturopathic doctor charges $250.000 a session, plus the cost of supplements or other treatments. Those appointments and supplements add up! I'm seventy and on a fixed income. I cleaned houses to make extra income but recently gave it up because as my health deteriorated the work became too difficult and stressful. I have always had to prioritize what to buy, and now even more so. I have to limit my supplement purchases to $200.00 a month. That is not nearly enough to get everything that is recommended. I shake my head when someone says a supplement is affordable. Maybe by itself, but they all add up. My naturopath suggested massage treatments and a gym membership. Yeah. In my dreams. So, I do what I can: carefully selecting a few key supplements, exercising (free), and eating well, (expensive, but worth it).