hi I’ve been on the Neupro patch about 2 months now and I am really struggling with skin irritation at the application site. Its not unbearable and seems to vary a lot depending on where I put it. Any recommendations on calming the angry areas when it’s removed and where the best sites are?
Neupro patch: hi I’ve been on the Neupro... - Cure Parkinson's
Neupro patch
Hello SMB, I've been taking the Neupro patch 2mg for a good year now,
I alternate each day at around 18h00 between the outer right thigh and the outer left thigh, with some light red marks but no irritation problems at all, neither during nor at removal time.
Each time I try to find a nearby spot on the thigh, right or left, where I haven't applied the patch for a couple of days. Often, within 24 hours, the red mark on the other thigh, if any, has disappeared.
Hope this helps.
I've used 4mg 18 months and find that it leaves a red patch for up to 24 hours but only itches in a few areas e.g. front of upper chest and stomach. It's most effective on upper body : back,shoulders,upper arms, but i move to thighs to give skin a longer break. I also use aloe vera gel on the area . It's water soluble, so can also put it where the new patch goes as long as you let it dry first .
Interesting to learn from you about pre-treatment with water soluble aloe Vera gel.
I didn’t know about Rotigitine being more effective on upper body. Is that in the literature or a finding from your own personal experience ? I use 12mg (2x6mg patches) so quite a large area needed.
I suspected that the patch was more effective on upper body, so I did some research and found a reference which seemed to support that. I can't find the original, but this one suggests that it could be:medicines.org.uk/emc/produc...
Thank you for the very helpful info and link. I’ve tended to avoid upper body when I can as I get more intense irritation that persists longer.
It’s surprising that there’s quite a marked difference in plasma levels depending on where the patch is placed yet clinical outcome seems not to be impacted.
On the subject of lost references, I’ve just installed Menderly free reference management software. It seems to work better for me than Zotero.
I’ve had this issue of contact dermatitis with Neupro too.. I had skin patch testing for allergies in dermatology clinic, which showed I have an allergy to sodium metabisulphite. The neupro patches contains this compound.
I now apply Betnovate topical steroid ointment (0.1% W/W) after removing patches which helps settle the inflammation/itching. . I use warm water to clean skin after removing patches before applying the ointment. This management plan has helped me to continue treatment with Neupro ( I had stopped it for a few months due to acute contact dermatitis).
I am on the patch with its irritations and also Apomorphine infusion so there is contention for sites! The only thing I can add is that Arnica cream works well although its probably a good idea to take advice from a Pharmacist. Good luck!
My husband finds at the back of the shoulders less irritated as I can do it for him. The front of the body and chest leave marks but as long as we don’t put them in the same place 2 days running they clear up pretty quickly.
Looks just like my husband’s reaction. We just put it on many different spots…stomach, thigh, side of body between the ribs and pelvis, shoulder or upper arm …a lot of spots before you have to repeat.
I use 100% aloe vera gel that I get at the local health food store. It instantly cools, and soothes that stinging and itching. I also use CeraVe skin lotion - both soothe and help the skin to heal. I haven't discovered anything to prevent the reaction. I think it's from one's sensitivity to either the adhesive and/or the peservative in the product. If only that could be addressed along with the price of the patches.
Simple explanation for the difference in response Patch on upper body : absorbed and carried by veins draining right into heart and then into brain via lungs
Patch on lower body diverts some absorbed drug via gut veins and liver veins.
Many receptors in this areas plus some breakdown in the liver.