where can I find free online pd exercise classes. I can only walk with a walker at this stage of my pd journey, so I need exercises for those with limited mobility. Thanks
pd exercise: where can I find free online... - Cure Parkinson's
pd exercise

Hi Arlington7, I would recommend "Smart XPD" on YouTube. It's free with commercials or you can join Pat Lasasso's zoom group for a fee. I just go to youTube when I have the time and energy and click on the pre-recorded classes that are available. It's kinda like LSVT Big on steroids if you are familiar with that. He does seated classes and standing, more aggressive classes. I highly recommend his approach.
Cheers, Craig
A general document discussing categories of exercise that may be beneficial:
The Parkinson’s Foundation also provides an infographic and one-sheet with recommended exercises for those with the disease.
Benefit of HIIT:
There are so many pd exercise classes on youtube! Just choose what suits. And there is parkinson's voice project that offer once a week singing and they also offer voice training for free online . Really just a question of a search!
I've been enjoying classes with Power for Parkinsons on Youtube. They have seated ones and more active. I especially like Polly Caprio's classes, she's bright, cheerful, always moving and cognitively challenging (for me anyway :-P)
my favorite PD exercise classes are Dance for Parkinson’s. They have. Free zoom classes for all levels of abilities . danceforparkinsons.org/take...
They have live programming as well as archived classes.
Get your doctor to prescribe PT if you can get someone to take you. I go weekly. Otherwise, YouTube has exercises geared to Parkinson’s along with chair exercises too. I was using a walker initially and now just a cane/walking stick.
if you go on YouTube there are many sitting exercises to do- May I ask is it your balance that requires you to use a walker? Take care!