I hate it when people tell me to be positive so I have no right to say it to others but I feel the need to get this off my chest ... I apologize to those who think it is the wrong approach or not possible but for me it is the key - and you don't have to read At some point my writing is going to get me removed from the group - sorry
It is possible to stay positive? - Cure Parkinson's
It is possible to stay positive?
Yes, maintaining a positive attitude is very important. Has more benefits than we can even imagine:
"I remember a very long time ago before I had ever been physical, coming across a being who had been physical and I felt the nature of who he was. I felt the quality of his essence and as I felt it I felt this incredible power and joy and expansiveness and freedom that was a part of this being. And I said to him … 'my goodness look at what you are. What could you possibly have done to be this?'
"And he shared with me .. chiefly that he had been physical. And he had had one physical experience in particular that he shared where he had suffered he had some kind of physical health ailment or pain or sickness felt like a damaged limb perhaps. Pain that lasted for many years. And it was extremely difficult for him but the way that he met that experience, the way that he processed that experience and met it and integrated it allowed a certain refinement of his being. This powerful powerful refinement of what he was, who he was. And I was so deeply inspired I said I'm going to do that. ... And I remember him communicating just kind of like gently 'Yeah that's what they all say. It's difficult in a way that you don't understand.'"
Good morning Park Bear, I have contacted online yesterday one medico company and they claim to provide stem cell therapy and cost of treatment is around 15,000 to 28,000 Euros, do you think its worth it? personally I think they are just another company who would like to cash in by claiming champion of stem cell therapy , please advise if you know anything about this treatment? and whether to pay so much money?
Below is the link ;
Save your money. There are legitimate disease modifying interventions that cost little.
• High-dose thiamine. Dosing instructions and other information at the links. Allow four months for full effect:
A good source of thiamine HCl is here:
• Cinnamon. Allow two months for full effect. My report
• Qigong. My story here:
I think if some who also has a serious condition says it then that is ok, whereas if it is someone who has no experience of being very ill says it then that is different. When I had cancer and was going through prolonged treatment it did upset me but only if it was said as a meaningless platitude or because they thought that was what they were meant to say.
I'm not going to be hypocritical neither, so I'll just say it as it comes.
There is nothing positive about Parkinson's or any other chronic condition. But can I live with it ? Well, do I have a choice ? No ! So what's next ?
For me, I began to live again in the sense of happy moments when my son said to me "daddy, you've got to listen to David Goggins, an ex-Seal special operations soldier".
And so I did. Wow !
"Throw out the victimisation, the why me ?". Throw out the social shame and the nostalgia of the past. Throw out the whining and the moaning. Throw out the search for the quick fix, it's just not going to come. And as my wife says to me: "throw out the garbage !"
As David Goggins says "It may get into your body, but it don't let it get into your head, i.e. into your mind." "Fight it with mental toughness." "Don't kill it with kindness, torture it with success." "Be a warrior." "Don't blend in, stand out". "Discipline is the key." "Stay in the fight, stay hard !"
Great work blazyb and for me I believe in a positive mental attitude😃 i have chosen to see my Parkinson's diagnosis and its symptoms through a positive lens. Like anyone else, I am simply navigating life with a condition that demands my attention. Prior to my diagnosis, I was someone who rarely took any medication or supplements, never got sick, and never had to worry about health. Life is fundamentally about the choices we make while we still can 😃. So, I have wholeheartedly accepted my condition and the treatment options available to me. I don’t rely on a team; instead, I’m charting my own course through life in the best way possible with the resources at hand. My family fills me with pride, and I find humor in the challenges that come my way. While living with Parkinson's isn’t ideal, today I feel far better than before my diagnosis. I consider myself fortunate to be living in an era where information, support networks, and treatment options are readily accessible. This growing public health challenge is gaining more recognition each day, leading to advancements in our understanding of Parkinson's disease. A universal treatment may already be within reach or could soon emerge. I recognize how lucky I am compared to many others and always remind myself that there are those facing even greater struggles than mine.😃👍
My thoughts are yes I’m miserable. PD is a miserable and confusing affliction. But miserable and confusing is good if accepted with love as a gift from God that i can offer back to him for the good of the world .
I reckon as long as we each find a pathway to acceptance and calm (as much as is humanely possible with this disease) everyone should choose what works for them
Agree - my husband calls Parkinson's MTOW - my terrorist organisation within. He says I will not allow it to beat me - we have been thru some tough times and we have come out the other side for now. Mentally he is pretty tough even if physically we have many arguments with what it dishes out at times. We both deal with most with humour and laugh a lot over some things that happen - he knows I don't miss anything so has learnt not to hide things as I already know. I don't think I or anyone else has said to him " be positive"
Most do not have any idea of what it takes to get thru a day with MTOW - every day is different and you are constantly adapting - if nothing else it keeps you on your toes with the endless changes in how you feel inside, how you view the world today, whether you can conquer the negative thoughts and feelings and go out and brushcut or mowing or fixing something/making something that will help in doing your chores. We are positive without putting it into words as I am sure you are when it lets you - and that is a win every time. The best thing for him has been taking the minimum of Madopar to keep things on an even keel and CBD Oil at night and the supplements I have had him on since being diagnosed and getting him to take notice of how he is feeling. Feeling good go and do the jobs he wants to do - not so good then do what feels right - feeling bad then have a rest day and mess with something that keeps the mind busy.
I know what you are saying and feeling - people are better off saying nothing and accepting of who and what you are without being judgemental.
All the best and bless you and all PD sufferers.
I couldn’t have said it any better…you nailed it! It is my daily struggle to not lash out at people who tell me that it could be worse or they tell me to be positive. We both know that there is no happy ending to this disease; the fact is that it is progressive and our functionality will decline. People on the outside looking in have absolutely no idea what we who have this cruel and monster disease experience daily. Thanks for your honesty and for being so candid. I’m 69 years old and I was diagnosed 9 years ago; I have struggled and fought with it, and like you I am angry and resentful that God decided to deal me this hand that I am not interested in playing.
Thank you for the note. It is hard. I just want to clarify one thing. I can’t say I am angry with God. I would prefer not to be playing this hand but I understand that He knows better than me and that must be a reason so I accept it. Ths is a theological discussion we can have on the private chat - it is a tough one. Wishing you well or at least as well as can both be
Truly love your article, and even though it's tough dealing with PD and life in general, staying positive is crucial! I believe exercise and diet help a lot with that, at least in my case.