I was recommended wild green oats supplement to boost/preserve dopamine and was wondering if any members have heard of or tried
dopamine : I was recommended wild green... - Cure Parkinson's

I found this study: Acute and Chronic Effects of Green Oat (Avena sativa) Extract on Cognitive Function and Mood during a Laboratory Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Humans 2020 pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articl...
"Given the complex phytochemistry of Avena sativa extracts, it is difficult to elucidate the exact mechanisms of action underpinning the cognitive benefits seen here. The extract’s ability to inhibit MAO-B, an enzyme that metabolises dopamine, which itself plays a key role in working memory and executive function [56,57], is certainly a candidate as the primary mechanism here. The inhibition of the enzyme PDE4, which hydrolyses the cellular second messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), might be expected to principally affect long-term memory [58], which was not measured in this study. However, the mechanisms of action of the various classes of phytochemicals typically found in Avena sativa extracts may also apply here. As an example, polyphenols, a class of phytochemicals, which would include the avenanthramides and flavonols/flavones found abundantly in Avena sativa extracts, owe their bioactivity to interaction with components of a range of cellular signal transduction pathways. In the brain, the net effect of these interactions include the increased synthesis of brain growth factors, such as neurotrophins and the vasodilatory molecule nitric oxide, which play a pivotal role in cerebral blood flow regulation [11,12,13,14], and direct interactions within the cellular signalling cascades triggered by receptor interactions, giving these molecules the potential to modulate diverse aspects of neuronal function [11]. These processes may underlie the observations in the literature of both acute [22] and chronic [23,24] modulation of cognitive function by polyphenol-rich plant extracts. Triterpenes, such as the avenacins found in Avena sativa extracts, also have the potential to modulate brain function via diverse mechanisms, including direct and indirect modulation of glucocorticoid and estrogenic function [7,20,21], modulation of neurotransmission via direct receptor interactions [15,16] and inhibition of the enzymes such as MAO-B and AChE, which catalyse the oxidation or hydrolysis of numerous neurotransmitters [7,17,18,19]. Again, mechanisms such as these may account for the improved cognitive function seen following triterpene-rich herbal extracts [25,26,27,28], and may also account for the effects seen here following green oat extract."
"In conclusion, single doses and four weeks of supplementation with green oat extract resulted in significant benefits to cognitive function, both in terms of working memory and dual-task (working memory/executive function and tracking) performance. These beneficial cognitive effects are broadly in line with previous demonstrations of improved cognitive task performance following single doses of other Avena sativa extracts. These findings also represent the first demonstration of significant cognitive benefits following chronic (in this case four weeks) supplementation. The benefits to multitasking performance, which may represent a more ecologically valid measure of everyday cognitive function than traditional “single task” cognitive assessments, is of particular interest, and deserves further research attention."
it’s on my list of things to try as well, as it came onto my radar about a month ago.
When I saw it, I remembered taking a similar supplement about 25 years ago to reduce anxiety, and I seem to remember being quite effective for me. So I’m looking forward to adding this my protocol.
Anyone have a good source of this stuff? Really trying to avoid Amazon now.