Downside to vigorous exercise : ... - Cure Parkinson's
Downside to vigorous exercise

"While there is strong evidence to suggest that moderate physical activity among healthy individuals can favor the immune system in the long run, what happens to the immune system directly following vigorous exercise is controversial."
As fast as I can go likely only amounts to "moderate"
I was wondering if it is why ultra long distance runners seem prone to getting PD.
I think another mechanism is at play as well : long distance running/cycling/...causes leaky gut. PS is a gut disease showing up in the brain. Leaky gut ís already an attack on the immune system. Plus... intens exercise increase is very stressfull for body and brain and elevates cortisol production + all the extra oxygen that is coming in during exercise = very oxidative, etc. All these mechanisms cause a toxic effect on the total body. Our body is made for movement but not for extreme endurance or powerlifting. We need to walk long distance, run a bit, sprint a bit, jump and climb, pull and lift heavy stuff to train muscles, stretch a bit and exercise your balance.
If PD is an autoimmune disease, and I think it is, "muffling" the immune system might be a good thing.
It is not AI disease. It is a gut-brain disease. Very logical to explain.
Damaged body parts require more vitamins to repair so you need to get good nutrition from your food and not to fuel your body on carbohydrate, that would be like having a full tank of petrol but omitting to check the oil nd water in your car. You need to be doing vast amounts of exersise or eating low nutrition food or doing too much of your training indoors instead of outdoors in the sunshine to encounter this problem.
Nothing to see here, I love it when we use words like May, Might, and Possibly.
I’m not sure what qualifies someone as a scientist but I would like to think it would someone the wants to report using the words Will, Does, and Is
With all due respect to the parties here I would be waiting to discover that moment before prematurely discouraging those that hang on your words.
PS: This may not be directed at the poster or the scientists in the study😁
Have a great day!