Selenium for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, M.S. - Cure Parkinson's
Selenium for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, M.S.

They did not list the studies that he references and I did not care to spend 75 minutes to find out when I could do so right away using Google Scholar:
Selenium and Other Trace Elements in the Etiology of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Case-Control Studies
"Conclusions: ... this meta-analysis suggests that overexposure in the central nervous system to selenium, and possibly to copper and iron, may be a risk factor of the disease, while zinc might have a protective -effect."
I have been avoiding iron as I have tested high for this in the past.
I'm aware there are promising studies looking into iron chelating supplements as potentially neuro-protective:
I wasn't aware if the Copper risks, which are interesting... might need to get that tested too.
On the zinc side, that's good to know. I've previously tested low and am taking regular supplements.
Thanks for sharing,
I knew I had just seen an article mentioning a trial of deferiprone in Alzheimer's patients that had unexpected results, so I Googled it, and it was just a few days ago:
It worked to reduce iron levels in the brain but unexpectedly seemed to accelerate cognitive decline in the patients taking it!
Selennium is esential for building the myelin that sheaths the neurons. Most people can get enough selenium from eating two brasil nuts every day. Another thing that is essential for myelin growth is iodine, that's why I take daily tablet of sea kelp and add a sprinkling of Japanese nori to my weekly casserole.
Dr. Bryan Ardis, DC., is considered one of the leading experts in the world on COVID-19, vaccines, Remdesivir, and other drugs."
Ardis, the chiropractor, is chock full of it.
There is also this PP presentation -the accompaniment to his Podcast. I am always open to alternatives. Western medicine has failed my husband miserably. The PP has links to the studies he references.