Supplement causes Alzheimers- serine - Cure Parkinson's
Supplement causes Alzheimers- serine

The linked site will sell your information unless you opt out using an obscure link at the bottom of their page. Actual study here: "some evidence suggests that long-term use of D-serine contributes to neuronal death in AD through excitotoxicity"
Clickbait Correlation doesn't mean causation. Statistics show that more people drown when ice cream sales are higher but that doesn't mean causation but that they both happen in hot weather
I don't understand your negative comment, "Correlation doesn't mean causation".
Correlation may be a result or a cause. Google it
What are you saying, if holds true for Parkinson's doesn't necessary hold true for Alzheimer's?
Sometimes it looks like something causes something else but it might be they often occur at the same time but are caused by something else.
"…levels of the enzyme PGDH were much higher in adults with Alzheimer's disease, including those with "a-symptomatic" forms of dementia…. PGDH is the key enzyme in producing the amino acid serine, this increased level of PGDH in Alzheimer's patients means that they are already producing higher-than-normal levels of serine…. The study found that a higher level presence of PGDH can also be used as an indicator for the severity of dementia and for the severity of cognitive decline."
Granted they didn't measure serine, but sounds justified in saying use caution when taking more.