Just wanted to see if anyone had positive experiences and improvement by using these therapies?
Anyone tried acupuncture & cupping? - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone tried acupuncture & cupping?

I have been doing acupuncture for over a year once a week. Helped tremor and gait is better. About 50%. Also if I have stiffness or muscle that wont let go she helps with that also. It is a great relaxation session and reset for me.
Cupping? Seriously? I've had a good bit of beer in my time, but not all at once.
My stepdaughter tried it. Didn't prevent her dying from cancer at 38. My mother tried it, miracle cures and Faith healing in the light, old traditional wives tale stuff. Doesn't stop her from dying from cancer at 40. I know desperation breeds things. I also know ignorance, guided by misleading folk nonsense, also has its influences. Don't rely on it. If you must do it, do it on top of all the scientific things and medical things and actual practical experience from folks. It is still cartoon thinking, sorry to say, sad to say, but it's true. Just move on to other things. Faith and nonsense I understand, from the desperation, it's been in my own family, who included supposed scientists and professionals, more than once. My father had Parkinson's until the day he died in his early 80s. But forget it. Keep looking but move on. Think about Albert... Our friendly patient scientist. Think about Park bear, our friendly disciplined generalist. And the people with lots of experience.
I’d have to disagree. The cupping was very effective for me in freeing up my stiff back and neck and making me more flexible and expanding my chest so I could breathe more easily. I don’t think it’s mystic. It’s just breaking up fascia that has set in unhelpful position over the years from too much bending to look at iPad. It got rid of my humped upper back too that was beginning to form.
Hmmm. Is this the same cupping that I was thinking of, forgive me if I assumed wrong, cupping is drawing out blood through your skin with these little vacuums from heating a cup that's been stuck on your skin and pulls out blood? The traditional medieval treatment for everything?
It is a heated cup that causes a vacuum , and that breaks up the fascia and causes bruising. You go a couple of times weeks apart so eventually it covers the whole area. I was dubious but it really helped loosen up my back and neck. The blood doesn’t actually come out! Just bruises.
I don’t have PD but I had a couple of sessions of cupping and Chinese massage. They stretched out the fascia in my chest and it allowed me to breathe easier and the cupping made my back more flexible. It leaves big bruises but they soon fade.
Thank you all for the feedback.
yes I have done acupuncture and cupping for my cervical dystonia . It does help