did anyone participste in the crexont/ipx203 clinicsë trials?if so ,and u got the real deal vs. Placebo, what were ur experiences
ipx203 crexont trial: did anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
ipx203 crexont trial

My neuro has prescribed crexont for me. Crexont I would have to take only 3x/day,7am,1pm,7pm. currently i take Rytary 5x/day.
what a cluster. since it was just approved by FDA, insurance companies,pharamcies are scrambling. My local pharmacy could not order it. had to go to one of the big chain pharmacies since they could get it, but I had to convince them to take my scondary insurance which they said, they normally don't do. Crexon is on my insurers formulary (both primary and secondary but your neuro may have to asply for an exception with your insurance company if crexont is not itheir formulary. neuro said not to mix rytary with crexont so I will begin my first full day of crexont Friday (if i can pick it up today or Saturday.) I will post my experiences
please, do!
I a still on it, raking meds only 3x per day vs. 5x per day is a blessing. I see neuro tomorrow and I will update
I have mixed feelings about writing this post. As of tomorrow, I am stopping Crexont and going back to rytary. I always feel like I am drunk and my balance is awful rigidity is worsening as is bradykinesia,. It could be diseaseptogression or Crexont. Stay tuned
I went back to Crexont as I dont believe Crexont is the cause of my problems. I believe it may due to disease progrssion or a UTI, I am on second round of antibiotics as UTI is quite resistant