This has popped up in a Parkinson's group here where we are....sounds very iffy. Has it crossed anyone else's path?
Lifewave x39 stem cell patches ?! - Cure Parkinson's
Lifewave x39 stem cell patches ?!

Ok no worries , viewed their patents on quora and it is in my view a scam
I found these Parkinson's testimonial videos on youtube. In these first two links, the founder of Lifewave discusses the stem cell patch technology.
Parkinson's testimony #1
X39 Parkinson's Testimonial #2
This lady has seen marked improvement in her Parkinson's symptoms #3
Yes indeed. There are "studies" but generated by the company itself and not peer reviewed.
Also the linked study didn't specifically mention using PWP, so no clinical measure of the PWP symptoms.
So 30 of these patches cost $124 and I am guessing they cost about $5 to make a pack of 30.
I'm no expert, but I would try turning around 3 times and throwing a pinch of salt over my shoulder before trying these patches.
That is not a lot of money when you consider how much you spend on supplements, doctor visits, time off of work to go to dr visits, etc. I know there are a lot of claims out there but these truly do work. They are working for me. The severe depression I had is gone. The inability to carry on a conversation is gone. Just being able to enjoy life is coming back. My strength is coming back. The tremors are getting less.
I would pay way more than that to get these results!!!
I would highly recommend you do research. Healing is NOT going to come from pharmaceutical medications. There is too much money to be made keeping people sick.
Hey Bolt how is that salt thing goin' for ya : )
I'm doing well, but I do a lot more than the salt over the shoulder rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...
The anecdotal video reports sound convincing. Wish they would do a clinical trial to clarify the effects on PD patients, if any.
Look, I am sorry I posted my question here before doing my own research. My info came from a friend. If you look at the patents of this company it rings warning bells. So many of the documentation and the videos have been generated by this company. It is a situation of buyer beware. We ourselves have tried some odd stuff, just do it with eyes wide open.
eat dark chocolate 80% ,double your stem cells after 1 month (without proof)
but you will find some studies by searching with google.
even if it`s not working, it`s not a total waste of money.
I have just started trying the X 39 and I am intending to work up to the other patches especially the glutathione and the Aeon. I’ll keep you posted.
hi there. i’ve been using these for awhile with the mindset that nothing ventured nothing gained having seen the same info you have maybe seen re: anecdotal benefits. I can say energy levels seem improved definitely and reduced muscle loss/increased muscle gain, improved circulation and skin condition. RH tremor not really improved. I stopped for a month or so, but then restarted as I noticed a Difference after a couple of weeks of not using. I keep thinking of phasing them out due to cost but I like them.
A mi me invitaron a una platica sobre lo maravilloso que son esos parches, me dieron informacion detallada y comentaban que al 15% de los pacientes que lo usan no les funciona, yo fui uno de esos jajajajaja, no sirven para nada, pero uno con tal de buscar opciones de mejoria hace muchas cosas, spro les sirva mi comentario, saludos