Written after watching the Annovis webinar on the Parkinson’s Trial results:
I participated in the trial at the Ohio State University from January 2023 through July 2023. During the six months I was taking buntanetap, I saw significant improvement in my symptoms.
Let me start with my story. I was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s in November of 2017. At the time, I was an 8 on the UPDRS. In January of 2022, I was at a 32 and I started levodopa. This brought me back to an 18 which was better but I still struggled with rigidity and bradykinesia. The disease was starting to show signs on my left side (I started on my dominant, right side). Within a few months of starting buntanetap, I began to feel better and move better. At the end of the trial, my research nurse and NP told me I was “below 10.” Six months later, six months after I was finished with the trial, I had a routine visit with my movement NP and I was a SIX - better than I was at diagnosis!!!!! And my physical therapist who I would see every six months just to be evaluated told me I was walking better and faster than many of her neurotypical patients! One year after the trial ended for me, at my most recent 6-month neuro check-up, my NP got me at a THREE!!!
What did buntanetap did do for me?
~I felt better physically than I had in years
~The left side disease progression was essentially gone
~Colleagues told me that I was walking better than I had in years and they couldn’t even tell I had Parkinson’s anymore
~I got my arm swing back after losing it in 2015!!!!!
~My right hand tap test is much better than it was - in fact, at my most recent appointment, my NP marked it as a 0 (normal!!!)
~I could once again do things that required fine motor skills
~My right foot stopped dropping and tripping me
~I can easily get out of a chair now
During and since the trial, I’ve traveled to Europe for the first time in my life (one day while there, we walked 33,000 steps!), traveled to Minnesota to visit my son and see a Vikings game, regained energy to be fully present while teaching, been able to actively enjoy my children, and got married. I have regained my life; my life became more about living and less about the disease. Because of buntanetap, I’ve been able to push Parkinson’s back, be me again, and LIVE!