They seemed to have hit it out of the ballpark with their study. Read it for yourself off their website. Good luck to all.
Annovis Bio - Parkinson's Announcement 7/... - Cure Parkinson's
Annovis Bio - Parkinson's Announcement 7/2/24

First try reading for yourself the two recent prior postings
Why? I know more about this disease than anybody on here. I don't check on what other people are posting.
If you actually knew so much you would know they fell short of hitting it out of the ballpark. In any case your post is redundant.
If you "know more about this disease than anybody on here" -and- "don't check what other people are posting", and considering you've only posted twice on this forum, then please remind us "ALL" why you are on this forum. I smell a shill poster for Annovis Bio.
Even though PD robbed me of my sense of smell, I can still smell a few "shills" when I need to:
nerve_agent Joined forum December 23,2023 Intro --- Hi, I'm Nerve Agent
JohnP65 Joined forum June 15, 2023 Intro --- Hi, I'm JohnP65
MrColorado Joined forum July 15, 2023 Intro --- Hi, I'm MrColorado
None of these three posters mention having Parkinsons, none give any other data than their names, and all of their posts revolve around BUNTANETAP and/or ANNOVIS BIO.
OH, and all of their posts seem to portray a nasty, know-it-all attitude, and they love to call everyone else's opinions or comments BS. See a trend here? Plus the two letters "BS" seemed to be a theme throughout their posts. So I say we are dealing with one individual who is using three different profiles, and who for some weird reason has a vested interest in ANNOVIS BIO.
Interesting, how my sense of smell has returned all of the sudden.........
Adding more names to the above shill list:
power2k Joined forum December 7, 2023 Intro --- Hi, I'm power2k
Only two posts, both revolving around ANNOVIS BIO, and makes no mention of having Parkinsons. OH, and like the above, faithfully quotes "Maria says this....", or "Maria says that...."
I suspect ChucklesUSA is also a shill poster, but still checking. There are most likely others lurking on this forum. Notice, none of them come out to defend themselves and none of them have Parkinsons, yet they all know sooooo much about ANNOVIS BIO. I suspect we have an individual (or group of) day or short traders trying to boost interest in their stock.
I'd say something smells "fishy" with all of this, but I can't smell because of Parkinsons......😅🤣😂😆😁
You are perfectly welcome to post - to add to the knowledge base of the group. AND...
1. You can't possibly know that you know more about this disease than anyone on here - especially if you don't check what others are posting.
2. It is forum etiquette to check what other people have posted on and add your information/opinion to the post. This way the information is easily searchable and becomes more useful with all points of view represented.
3. Forums work when the members post and share with politeness and humility.
They hit it out of the ballpark... there is no other compound that comes close to getting these results in MDS-UPDRS Part II, Part III, Part II+III. Your not going to get these results in patients on the compound for 6 months or less, so >3 years makes since you see these scores improve greatly. 6 months is like taking aspirin for a headache that you don't have. You must be working on the junk Big Pharma is trying to push. A scientist always tries to figure out why something works over here but not over there. So there are sub-groups whether you like it or not. Deny your loved one the drug then... it's not my problem you have a problem. No more responses to your BS.
The latest word on Buntaintap is that it works well in Parkinson's patients, I watched webinar.
I did too. People in this forum are going to have access to the drug and testimonials will be shown to the FDA in 6 months to get a NDA submitted. I'm done here. Good luck to the patients.
Maria said the un-blinding sheet was being sent out to all the clinical sites for the Phase 3 trial on the night of July 2nd. So, soon, very soon, every participant shall know whether s/he took the actual medication or not. Those who turned out to have taken Buntanetap and did experience improvements shall speak out and be advocate for this drug.
At the end of the day, the only thing really matters is the patient's life, not the profits by trading the stock or short-selling it.
I was just informed by my neurologist that I was on the drug 10 mg during the trial.
Can you share your experience while you were on 10 mg?
I didn’t notice any improvement in my symptoms.
Were you diagnosed less then 3 years and did you notice your symptoms stayed the same or worse?
I was diagnosed May 2021
Thanks for sharing Hilo64,I was curious if symptoms stayed the same while on the 10 mg? You mentioned you didn't notice any improvement.
my symptoms did not worsen as far as I can tell they stay the same
Thanks again for the responses.. It does seem to validate what was mentioned in the data for 10 mg reg no improvements. It also contradicts what some negative posts have been saying about symptoms getting worse which is not true in your case.
It seems 20 mg dosage works well from the data results so far
My best wishes to you.