Need for potassium and high blood pressur... - Cure Parkinson's

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Need for potassium and high blood pressure. Short video from Dr. Berg.

parkie13 profile image
25 Replies

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parkie13 profile image
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25 Replies
Boscoejean profile image

Boscoejean profile image

when I clicked on the facebook link it was not playing well

also an article to accompany the video

Boscoejean profile image

mitochondria profile image
mitochondria in reply to Boscoejean

Good one. Thanks for sharing parkie13 and video link/additional information Boscoejean

Thal profile image

Keto diet guy confirming my goal to be a better vegetarian! Thanks.

Enjoying my minestrone breakfast even more!

And bananas.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

The trouble with bananas is that they are high in sugar wich could be counterproductive. I would go for the non fruit sources. I don't know how you can claim to be a keto diet guy while eating bananas and pasta.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

I meant ironically that Dr berg is the keto guy not me . I think keto is not healthy.. I eat a lot of bananas. I'm the minestrone guy and loving it.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

Keto is perfectly healthy, My diet contains virtually no grains and the the only fruit I eat are blueberries or rhubarb.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

If keto is perfectly healthy for you then why is there no long lived healthy population on earth or has been? Grains and fruits have the healthiest nutrients required by humans and avoiding them in one s diet will lead to malnutrition and sickness guaranteed. Proven over the eons of time that we have been on earth and thrived on by the healthier long lived people.

Ketosis is not achievable with out strict medical supervision. Even then it is physically and mentally dangerous because it is a totally unnatural diet. Especially the diet approach. If one should subscribe to the supposed benefits of being in ketosis I think the best and only approach I would take if I were to try it again is the Dr Mary Newport way. Injesting ketones directly. Thus one would avoid the artery and capillary clogging damage that a high fat diet does which will lead one into a malnourished hypoxia state of sickly being.

This is my personal experience with constipating and unnatural keto. I don't expect to change you in any way because you won't as I did not when I was a keto aficionado. I had to learn the hard way (especially stool) etc. so we ll go on our merry ways. But time will reveal all. After all as the saying goes, "one cannot fool mother nature".

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

Absolute rubbish. The Inuit have traditionally lived off a diet of fish, seal and whale meat for thousands of years and the Massai live mainly on game and milk with a little cow's blood and they're amongst the healthiest on the planet. The point of intermittent fasting is to produce a state of ketosis before the next meal.

There is no point in adding ketones to a non ketogenic diet as the body preferentially burns glucose.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

I was like you and believed the lies from the keto camp and I regurgitated them incessantly.Inuit average life span is 66 years and masai 60. Poor health years of ingesting raw animal feed full of pathogens, parasites and other assorted unhealthy discusting stuff.

Ketones maybe beneficial but if one has to sacrifice arterial health and it's consequences I don't think it's worth it.

Interesting how we believe what is obviously a lie and impossible to be once one uncovers the mask hiding the truth.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

The reason that the Masai have such a low average lifespan is because they have a higher level of infant mortality due to lack of post natal care due to their rural lifestyle.

There is no evidence that ketones negatively effect cardiovascular health in fact there is the opposite.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

Raw carnivore is guaranteed to make one sick.

It's not Ketones but the high fat diet that has consequences .

Low fat high fiber is the healthiest regimen .

Proven by billions of people.

Parkinson's Medications work best.

I'm happier and healthier as a Parkinson's vegan.

Hope you and all the keto Parkinson's people realize it before it's too late.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

A low fat diet inherently means that you must get your calories from carbs which has been proven to be the worst diet for causing chronic disease. Many PD sufferers have reported that thei tremors go away when they avoid carbs

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

High carb, low fat is what billions of people all over the world thrive on. Looking at a map of the world one sees that the countries with the highest populations thriving on carbs also have the lowest doctor and hospital ratios. Meanwhile the people are healthy and live the longest. With out the chronic diseases plaguing us. Parkinson's seems to be a disease of the western world.

"Many PD sufferers have reported that there tremors have gone away, cognition and other improvements have also taken hold.," I believe this may be true and it's why I became a zealot and devoted to the keto life style.

Unfortunately I didn't achieve anything close to what was promised.

On the contrary I suffered from the worst constipation ever which I attribute to the lack of fiber. And had issues and conflicts with my meds.

Being the curious Parkinson's patient that I am I started looking into the low fat, high fiber, high carb, low protein diet to deal with my bowel issues.

I've gotten better and my meds work better. I've also discovered that the healthiest longest lived people on earth are on a high carb diet. So I can't help but follow them.

I also believe that being in ketosis will be beneficial but I think that getting there through a high fat diet is unhealthy in the long term because of what happens to one's arteries and reducing nutrients and oxygen needed to stay healthy.

Bill is interesting and informative. I like his approach to taking ketones thus avoiding the problems with fat. Don't agree with fat loading etc.

I'm going to keep an open mind on it since I like and respect Dr Mary Newport ,

Thanks for above video. Food for thought. Another rabbit hole to get into which is good, stimulating and helpful information.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

High carb, low fat causes obesity and I don't call that thriving. Where on earth did you find "that the healthiest longest lived people on earth are on a high carb diet."?

Being in ketosis means that the body is burning ketones which it will only do when there is a shortage of glucose in the blood and the only way you can control that is not to eat carbohydrates but if you're a low fat and low carbohydrate diet would mean that you would be very short on calories and be relying on getting them from protein which is bound to screw your body up. May I suggest that your bowel issues are probably due to your low fat diet? Most high carb diets are high in grains especially wheat which is high in gluten which is guaranteed to screw up your bowells.I don't have any issues on my zero grain, low carb diet.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl


Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

"High carb, low fat causes obesity and I don't call that thriving."

Not true.

High fat causes obesity. Caloric math.

" Where on earth did you find "that the healthiest longest lived people on earth are on a high carb diet"

True fact. Just do population math.

High fat diets cause obesity just look at Curtis and Lustiq. Overweight and slow. And all the keto carnivore s out there who look way overfed and unhealthy. I used to look like that, pot belly, needed suspenders, was slow and dense. They are overweight and do not look or present in a healthy way. Where as vegetarians are more vigorous, nimble and can perform longer physically and mentally, than carnivore s.

Looking at the caloric density of the matter..fat is very dense in calories by weight and volume and missing fiber. Very slow to digest leading to slow transition and digestion. Fat carries a lot of negative nutrients from the animal such as metals, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, prions, vaccines, maggot s, hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and other strange things from the blood. ..etc... Decomposition starts the minute the animal is killed. So one eats rotting flesh.. Perfect setup for Putrefaction.

Carbs and veggies are very low in calories by weight and volume and very high in nutrients and fiber activating the production of short chain fatty acids in the bowels reducing leaky gut, improving transit time and reducing other gastro ailments. My gastro issues have been resolved on a low fat high fiber diet which added fats made worse.

Grains and gluten are a red herring and not the problem put out by the keto camp. Whole grains are very healthy, nutritious and digestible. The problem is refined grains stripped of their most important nutrients especially fiber and overloaded with pesticides like glyphosate etc.

The healthiest people on earth with the longest longevity are in the blue zones which thrive on a vegetarian high carb diet. Also looking at a map of the world check out India China south East Asia Africa.etc with the world highest population billions and billions on high carb diet. Of rice , wheat, corn , potatoes, and vegetables very little meat who are generally very healthy.

The math of the matter is clear and uncontestable. Low fat high fiber diets predominate the world in a healthy whole way.

People on a low fat diet are healthier, their cardio vascular health is superior to any dairy, meat, fat and or keto eaters and perform physically and mentally better.

Being in ketosis is an unnatural state and detrimental to good health. Very few human s are or have been in ketosis in the history of mankind.

So in conclusion. Thriving on a low fat high fiber diet is the only healthy way to eat to stay healthy, vibrant and trim. Proven by billions of humans daily and for the history of mankind.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

Absolute rubbish,

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

One man's rubbish is another man's gold.


Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

Ironic that you cite India as a high carb consuming country and that India is the diabetes capital of the World because of that.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

Processed foods will do it anywhere.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to Eryl

Naked carbs and seed oils?

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Thal

That may be true in some cases but not all.

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