'Biden Does Not Blink': Doctors Reply To ... - Cure Parkinson's

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'Biden Does Not Blink': Doctors Reply To Viral X Post

Farooqji profile image
28 Replies


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Farooqji profile image
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28 Replies
CaseyInsights profile image

I too have wandered into this speculative arena: I am fascinated that Biden can easily ride a bike, but has a rather stiff gate. Reminded me of this video -

Cycling for freezing gate in Parkinson’s Disease.


Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to CaseyInsights

I don't think Joe can ride a bike any more. The last time I saw him ride one he fell.

Rufous2 profile image

About six months ago I noticed he has very little arm swing. Very concerning.

jeffmayer profile image

Scary thinking he controls the world's biggest nuclear arsey

jeffmayer profile image
jeffmayer in reply to jeffmayer


Farooqji profile image
Farooqji in reply to jeffmayer

Dont worry, US defence establishment controls everything

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to jeffmayer

Oh much better to give it back to people like Michael Flynn.

Meanwhile, considering the actual performance and outcomes of each, in the job, I think there's not much comparison.

busters_dad profile image

OK doctor. 🙄

CuriousMe12 profile image

Bidens definitely looked as parkinsons as me for the last 5 years.Two shameless egos to choose from, for such a powerful position.

lempa_nik profile image
lempa_nik in reply to CuriousMe12

Everyone needs an ego to live and function in this 3-d world. Honestly, CuriousMe, where did you ever feel the quality of shamelessness in Joseph Biden? Trump for sure can be described that way since he has no compunction about lying. . . continually. But I have never found any evidence--from my own gut feelings or from all those who worked closely with him, including Kamala Harris--that Joseph Biden is anything but an honest man, as honest as is possible for the relentless, exceedingly high-pressure job of the Presidency.

So, here's the $64,000 question: where do you get your disinformation? Fox "News" ??? Tik Tok??? Russian or Chinese Troll factories??? Elon Musk's X/Twitter??? CuriousMe, do you know this excellent acronym from the world of computers: GIGO? It stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." I urge you Curious Me to check your sources, such as those I just named.

FINAL WORD: it doesn't matter how smart you are, if you feed on inferior/slanted news sources, nothing good will come out of your mind. Truely, we are what we eat!

CuriousMe12 profile image
CuriousMe12 in reply to lempa_nik

🤣Such a lot of assumptions - all wrong. I avoid all your quoted news sources. I'll remember to listen to Your gut next timeYes we do all have egos but it takes some arrogance for an 80+ year old man, of poor health and confused speech to put his own personal ambition ahead of his party and country.

You seem to have assumed I'm anti Biden so must be pro trump. Maybe you could have worked out a third way, I may not be one or other of the poor electoral choices but would rather not support either.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to CuriousMe12

Réddite quae sunt Caésaris Caésari et quae sunt Dei Deo” quote

«Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

This discussion is more for American citizen user.

Personally, as PwP, I understand his difficulty ,I feel so much compassion for him and his wife and I wonder what or who makes him do this when he could be peacefully enjoying his old age.

cruel fate.

lempa_nik profile image
lempa_nik in reply to CuriousMe12

My apologies, CuriousMe12, to you and to all the other members of HU who may have been offended. When it comes to not broaching the subject called politics, I am one of those who clearly needs to walk his talk!! I also acknowledge that discussing the appearance of health-related symptoms of any celebrity ought to be allowed on this site as long as the emphasis is medical and "not blatantly political, " i.e., not designed to sway someone's vote. (For now, let each mature adult decide the latter for themself.)

jocelyng profile image

I recall that his last physical specifically pointed out that he didn’t have Parkinson’s. I’m a Democrat, but I do admit to thinking unkind thoughts about his health when I was watching the debate the other night.

WittyPD profile image

He's just an elderly man with common problems that many elderly people face: stiffness, slowness, etc.

Try being the president at that age.

My father-in-law is 85 years old, doesn't have Parkinson's, and he's exactly like him: slow, stiff, unsteady gait, and a dazed expression. My father is 90 years old, walks well, still rides a bike, and thinks clearly. Not everyone ages the same way. These are just useless speculations. The fact is, he should recognize that he is at his limit for such a demanding and important role at that age.

lempa_nik profile image

The weak debate performance was just a transient, one-time affair, due to several factors : tiredness, a cold, and possibly over-preparation, which impelled him to try and remember lots of numbers, leading to confusion. Did you see him the next night at his rally in North Carolina? There he was a veritable powerhouse: his voice was strong--it was as if he was suddenly 20 years younger--and he evoked a response from the large audience that was simply electrifying !! There he displayed the commanding presence his team had hoped to see at the debate.

Any diagnosis of dementia or parkinson's or the BS of "sleepy Joe" was disproven at that point: apart from the rare event of a "miracle," no one recovers from serious physical illnesses like those overnight as he demonstrated there. No Democrat is qualified to comment on Joe Biden's physical fitness, until they have seen his rally in North Carolina. Needless to say the MAGA goons are not able to comment wisely or truthfully on anything factual on this planet since they live on a lie- and hate-filled planet created by their cult-leader.

111BANDIT profile image
111BANDIT in reply to lempa_nik

well said.

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to lempa_nik

Keep your political comments to yourself!

MarionP profile image

Why does nobody mention that clinically Trump appears to be on speed? And I for one know what I'm talking about.

MarionP profile image

Considering the requirements of the job, the cognitive activity and job outcomes Biden has demonstrated and produced are far more preferable to those demonstrated here on this list, and far beyond anything positive his opponent is capable of. The fool doesn't even know what a tariff is... What a total "wrong way Corrigan." It's a good thing people only have one vote each. And it's too bad we don't have a parliamentary system with a lot of different parties, the lack of which is the root cause of this whole thing.

gomelgo profile image

I'd rather not compare them since as far as I'm concerned, they are just two different faces of the same american hegemony. Faces of the same cabal with all the money, trying to control the narrative so they can keep us plebs under their thumbs. Wake up fellow plebians with parkinsons.

Despe profile image

Maybe the moderator should take down this post unless HU members comment about possible health problems. This is what I discussed, Biden appears to have PD. For the rest of the HU democrats, please do not make any political comments. This site is not for POLITICS. I AM A CONSERVATIVE and the Democrats are now controlled by the LEFT RADICALS! I only wish Robert Kennedy Jr was leading the party--as his uncle said "Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

pdpatient profile image

I have for a while speculated that President Biden has the beginning stages of Parkinson's disease. He shows all the classic symptoms and although I am not a doctor 😂, based on my lived experience as a Parkinson's patient, it seems like that would be a safe diagnosis.

The thing is that some other symptoms are confusing. The article talks about his speech and the lack of coherence, low volume and rapid talking. As far as I know, these symptoms manifest themselves after being on Levodopa for a while. Except perhaps the low volume part which might manifest itself early on , even before the medication.

lempa_nik profile image

Marc, I started to write a reply to your "teleprompter" post above, but stopped when I realized there is something much more important "we"--ALL OF US ON HEALTH UNLOCKED--should consider: "acceptable-behavior rules" of this site.

.**Above all, I hope this site will remain non-political. Free from politics, we can all be friends, and continue to help one another. We all have only one common foe: the disease we are dealing with. It would be a terrible thing if this Parkinson's Community became infected with the political polarization endemic nowadays in American society and it broke down into angry, warring groups. I did not intend to add more fuel to the political bonfire with my remarks. I wanted, as I saw it, to defend Joe Biden from being panned undeservedly, but did not see the risks thereof.

If in future you see someone trying to inject politics into their posts, and you realize the danger that poses to this community, you can tactfully remind them this is a site DEDICATED TO HEALTH ISSUES, and POLITICS IS NOT APPROPRIATE HERE BECAUSE IT TENDS TO INFLAME INSTEAD OF HEAL.**

I suspect this idea has long since been included in the "etiquette rules" of this site. But are they being enforced? Obviously not! I would be obliged if someone could point me to the manager(s) of this site so I could learn what is being done about this issue.

CaseyInsights profile image
CaseyInsights in reply to lempa_nik

Yes, do try to keep this non-political. After all it was you who suggested in your first comment that -

Needless to say the MAGA goons are not able to comment wisely or truthfully on anything factual on this planet since they live on a lie- and hate-filled planet created by their cult-leader.

So let’s keep it at the level of medical speculation. And to me the outsider, both camps live in glass houses. Seem that it is just a matter of what glass house you want to live in.

Greetings from the Caribbean 🌺

lempa_nik profile image
lempa_nik in reply to CaseyInsights

"At the level of medical speculation" sounds spot on to me. I fully endorse that, CaseyInsights!

kevowpd profile image

I'd put money on him having a synucleinopathy/tauopathy of some sort, and i haven't even seen the debate. At least to which we have the ability to observe his executive functioning in public, it has deteriorated from 2020 noticeably. He looks like a completely different person to 2016.

Still better than the alternative, of course.

Bolt_Upright profile image

It would be nice if we could have a discussion about what is wrong with President Biden without bringing politics into it. It is an interesting topic.

But... We should probably delete this post. Nobody needs the stress.