I am delighted to announce that our next NoSilverBullet Zoom webinar will be taking place at 7.30pm London time on Monday, the 17th of June.
Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein, MD, will be talking to us about "Why I am optimistic that we might now have a Silver Bullet for PD".
Please use the Eventbrite link below to register for this event:
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Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein is transforming the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). First, he discovered that the brain cells (dopaminergic neurons) in Parkinson’s patients are exposed to excess dopamine, reaching toxic levels. Next, he identified a drug that reverses disease pathology by reducing dopamine levels in 10 studies using laboratory models of PD
As an academic physician, Sackner-Bernstein leverages lessons learned at the US Food and Drug Administration (where he received 2 Commission’s Awards) and the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (in a central role for the launch of the US Biological Technologies Office with its initial focus on neurotechnology).
Jonathan’s history of identifying contrarian views is remarkable for consistently being proven correct by subsequent studies and analyses. His optimism that PD will be conquered by reducing dopamine is supported by scientific data. And this drug therapy is poised to enter Phase 2 clinical trials, with data as soon as 6 months following trial launch.