I want to try Mucuna pruriens to reduce my dyskinesia. What is the experience of anyone using it.
Does Mucuna pruriens help: I want to try... - Cure Parkinson's
Does Mucuna pruriens help
My experience after 8 years and hundreds of dollars has been total frustration to the point I've just thrown out 3 bags of powder and a bottle of capsules. Mucuna has been totally UNPREDICTABLE . Dosage and timing erractic. Potency unreliable. Quality and sources are suspect. May even be CONTAMINATED with heavy metals, pollutants and who knows what . Not a medicine and not a good herb. If you want and need a medicine get it from a licensed pharmacist where quality, dosage, timing, counter indications and effects are quantified through clinical testing. And there are a variety of medicines available for different issues other than plain old sinemet etc. I'm liking entacapone these days. Wish I had run into it sooner and listened to my doctor neurologist. Herbs and potions are for shamans and witch doctors. Stick with the pros. You'll be happier. And you may have recourse if it does not work otherwise you're on your own floundering and suffering as I have.
Also your doctor's job will work better since he's not not dealing with a terrible product that counteracts good medicine. Hope this helps you get the results you need.
Did you ever add 1/2 t of carbidopa to your MP?
No and I've learned that tinkering with drugs is probably not heathy. Leave it to the pros.
Mucuna gave me dyskinesia the same as c/l.
trying it for the last few weeks but im only 1.5 years into Parkinson . Doesn’t make me sick like madopar but doesn’t seem to do alot yet. Theres a good facebook site on it
check out this group on facebook m.facebook.com/groups/32883...
it did not work for me. We tried increasing the dosage slightly each week for several weeks until my head started swimming and I couldn’t think clearly. I decided to stop since I would rather enjoy life. By the way, it was part of a so-called amino therapy protocol, but they gave me excessive doses of B6, which caused me permanent nerve damage.
I don't use anything other than common sense! I was diagnosed in 1992 and started to do fast walking for up to one hour, every second day and have been symptom-free since 1996. I am now 89 and still living a good life.
Speak to me!
Hi John. We have communicated over the years but you share your experience with so many people it is understandable that you don't remember me . I am happy to learn that you are doing well. I am 83 years old and I live in Nigeria. Three years ago I fell and broke my hip and am now a wheelchair user. I admire your determination to encourage fast walking despite the rude and insulting reactions you sometimes receive. I believe there are many people who have benefited from your experience.