Read the story here :
This Article Says Oatmilk is Losing Popul... - Cure Parkinson's
This Article Says Oatmilk is Losing Popularity! Bad for health.

You can argue about the health effects. Opinions on this matter are divided. But how are we being deceived by commercial interests?
Oat milk - oat drink – since milk is considered dairy and non-dairy products cannot officially be called "milk", is nearly four times more expensive than cow's milk. How is that possible? All you need for oat milk is water, oats, and a simple blender, whereas producing cow's milk involves additional factors such as cow barns, feed, care, and special milking equipment.
So, if you prefer a do-it-yourself approach, making oat milk in the kitchen is easier than you might think. Simply mix 100 grams of oats with 1 liter of water, blend it with a hand blender, strain the mixture to extract the "milk," and you're done. A typical pack of oats usually contains about 500 grams, costing around 0.50 €, which means you can make 1 liter of oat drink for about…. 0.10 €
We would like to be cheated... 😂
Brilliant advertising though, the folks at Mad Men would be proud. Selling watered down oatmeal porridge, well, gruel, something you might get in a Russian prison maybe, you could make at home by just throwing some plain old oatmeal in a blender with some water, and getting you to pay 10 to 20 times any cost it might be, and believe you are getting some kind of special health food benefit. Just beautiful. Kind of makes you proud doesn't it?
Are you sure they don't mean goat milk. My grand daughter drinks goat milk instead of cows milk ( tastes yuky) . Why would they not call it Oat Water ? I would put chocolate in it or maybe a cherry syrup. They should have used the oatmeal for cookies anyway and had a nice hot chocolate .
"intentionally selected shortage of information"
Yea that one what ever that means . Sounds about right
🥸 say the lucky word