My mom was 52 years old when she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. She lived another 24 years. It wasn't a good quality of life for the last 10 of them with her LBD. I was 52 years old when I was poisoned. I outlived my ALS prognosis of 3-5 years. My ALS progression has been slow - but poisons aren't selective and my kidneys have been damaged. I've been hospitalized at least 13 times in the last year and I have lost the function of my right kidney - it will be removed in June. I'm still attempting to define what constitutes a "good" quality of life for me. I'm not as physically disabled as my mother was, but I'm declining and I don't know how long my independence will last. I haven't decided how far I'm willing to go with my disability - I do know that I won't choose a trach and enslave my family by conscripting them to be my 24hr caregivers. I suspect that I will lose my respiratory function before I become paralyzed. All of these surgeries with anesthesia and antibiotics have poisoned my mitochondria and the bacteria produce endotoxins that are damaging my brain, you won't know it by my writing because I can take the time to make corrections. But shit is happening at home that is clearly cognitive decline.
I've shared that I was poisoned by Roundup. It's the only product that the Minnesota Department of Agriculture tested for and confirmed on my clothing sample. There were other products in the "tank mix." Here's the EPA malfeasance - none of these chemicals have been tested in combination.
The products were: Buccaneer Plus by Tenkoz (an organophosphate (OPP) chemical containing glyphosate - it is Roundup Original II licensed by Monsanto to Tenkoz); Assure II by DuPont (an organochlorine (OCP)chemical); Tradition 93 (a second surfactant, Roundup Original II is preloaded with POEA surfactant - the disclosure of "inert" ingredients are protected by trade secret); AMS (ammonium sulfate, not registered as a pesticide because it isn't 100% pure grade - you know, to skirt EPA regulation); and Water - you would think it's inert but H2O is a hydrogen donor that creates free ammonia, another neurotoxin.
By the grace of God I survived the inhalation of these aerosolized chemicals - my neighbors cattle didn't. When I talked about this on FB several years ago, the attorney representing my neighbors Thomas and Barbara Krawczewski threatened to sue me. I have proof - and you know what? Eff them. I'm talking because I don't know how much longer I can.
The declared chemicals in Roundup Org. II are also components of the organophosphate in cyclosarin - a binary chemical warfare agent. What makes cyclosarin so deadly is the combination of an OP attached to a benzene ring in addition to the fluorine halogen - chlorine is also a halogen and can be substituted with slightly less toxicity (quizalofop the active ingredient in Assure II, contains organochlorine and a benzene ring - confirmed by the chemist at the MN Dept. of Ag :-). And then there's ammonia - it liquifies cell membranes. The myelin on my olfactory nerves was obliterated. The surfactants and solvents are known neurotoxins. These idiots tank mixed a lethal chemical warfare agent and nobody is regulating this COMMON agricultural practice! You don't need a license to buy these products - they aren't a restricted OP pesticide like Paraquat.
Cyclosarin was a product of commercial insecticide laboratories developed prior to World War II. As a chemical weapon, cyclosarin is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations. Pursuant to UN Resolution 687 its production and stockpiling was outlawed globally by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) of 1993. Binary OP nerve agents didn't go away - they got rebranded as agricultural products that are used indiscriminately by people who are incompetent and have no business handling lethal chemicals and unleashing them on unsuspecting bystanders, the public and the environment.
Here's a video taken by me from inside my house while the field across the road was being sprayed illegally due to the lack of atmospheric mixing. On the day I was poisoned, it was dead calm. I hired Bill Enderson, a local weatherman, to prepare a weather report for me. He was highly critical of the investigation conducted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Federated Co-ops, the company that owned the crop sprayer, supplied the chemicals, employed the operator and was an agent of the landowner - was fined $500 for poisoning me. I'm not a one-off victim, just look at the explosion of neurodegenerative diseases world wide. I'm living proof - for now.