Reducing our exposure to toxins: seeking ... - Cure Parkinson's

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Reducing our exposure to toxins: seeking research

18 Replies

I understand that we need to reduce or ideally eliminate our exposure to toxins like pesticides, fumigation products, dry cleaning, etc. but what about beauty supplies like hair color, nail polish, perfume, makeup?

I have a pile of dry clean only clothes but I now fear dry cleaning chemicals. I really miss my beauty products and perfume. I feel like an unkept mess without them but I fear using them. I have been looking for research on this. What are other ladies or the well groomed amongst us doing?

18 Replies
jimcaster profile image

I'm neither a lady, nor am I particularly well groomed, but within reason, my thought is "live your life." As with everything, we each have to decide for ourself, but I am done being a "professional patient" as Dr. Jeanmonod calls it. I don't do things which are obviously harmful (like drinking Roundup), but if it helps me enjoy today (tomorrow isn't promised to any of us), I'm going to relax and enjoy it.

M-o-ggy profile image
M-o-ggy in reply to jimcaster

Hi there. What is a professional patient?

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to M-o-ggy

Someone who spends so much of their time, talent, and energy worrying about their disease that they forget to live their life.

M-o-ggy profile image
M-o-ggy in reply to jimcaster

Hi there. At one time that described me perfectly. I had so much that I needed to understand and research. In one way it was taking over my life and in another way the knowledge was essential

I felt that I had achieved a balance, understood enough to know what I could and could not manage and was getting on with my life.

Then along came the Covid vaccines. I have taken them because the more of the older people get the vaccine the less need there is for young people to take this unproven treatment.

In retrospect the various symptoms have had a very big effect on me and taken away my confidence in my ability to adapt and cope.

It is only as these various symptoms have faded away that it has dawned on me that it might be the Covid not the PD.

But enough of this. Cope and move on is the name of the game.

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to M-o-ggy

I think most of us are "professional patients" for awhile after dealing with the shock of a PD diagnosis, but eventually we learn enough to end our obsession. That said, it's still worthwhile to monitor sites like this to maintain and enhance our knowledge. I probably wouldn't have known about B1, Pallidothalamic Tractotomy (PTT), and Photobiomodulation (red hats, etc.) if not for this site.

in reply to jimcaster

The chemicals ladies smother themselves in are often highly toxic. Not akin to “drinking roundup” but very toxic. An example is talc. Talc lawsuits ? But it is still in many cosmetics.

Missy0202 profile image

The Environmental Working Group has some great info on their website that will surely answer your questions

in reply to Missy0202

Thank you! I had forgotten about EWG. I used that source for baby skin care years ago.

kevowpd profile image

This is not good:

"I really miss my beauty products and perfume. I feel like an unkept mess without them but I fear using them."

Don't let PD takeover your life. Is there compelling evidence that the use of said products will adversely impact your PD progression or symptoms? You've already described how not using them is adversely affecting your day-to-day life.

Juliegrace profile image

I’ve been using fragrance free/natural products for years. There are tons of options that are much better than the overly scented products that you probably have been using. Today had an article about hair products (which I didn’t read), but I find lots of great information there. EWG is a good place for research.

in reply to Juliegrace

I hadn’t heard of superfoodly Thank you!

ForViolet profile image
ForViolet in reply to

And you might know that the chemicals in stuff like unscented body lotion, can be a problem. Some products add chemicals to mask or eliminate scent.

I was surprised that the chemicals that mask scent can be worse than the scents themselves.

I think this is explained on sites like the one above that Missy mentioned.

ForViolet profile image
ForViolet in reply to ForViolet

I seem to recall that there is a difference between scent free and unscented. Scent free being the better one... Right?

in reply to ForViolet

Thank you for bringing this valid concern up. I will need to research this. I recently realized how extremely toxic my hair color is. And my dermatologist prescribed face cream should not be used while pregnant for the safety of the fetus. If it can damage a fetus, isn’t the safety of the mom a concern as well?

The list of what is banned in Europe but allowed in the US is very long.

bookish profile image

Hi, I stopped using anything I couldn't pronounce a few years ago when I began to react to chemicals/additives in food, cosmetics, on skin, inhaled, also corn and gluten....couldn't go near anyone with perfume on and if I kissed aftershave-wearing skin my lips split on contact. I felt so rotten that it was an easy decision and not one I regret, but I appreciate it is much harder if you aren't seeing a direct correlation.

There is a bit in Datis Kharrazian's book on the brain (Why Isn't My Brain Working?) talking about the distinction between chemical sensitivity due to immune over-reaction and due to autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Both can be improved. I don't have PD, but would still recommend the book.

I didn't have much that was dry clean as haven't dealt well with those chemicals for years, but found gently washing was fine for most - you'll find guidance online about which you can try and which not.

I'm certain that you don't look an unkept mess, just perhaps a little different to how you are used to seeing yourself. My skin, hair, nails are so much better now with diet changes and no rubbish that I actually look better than I did with the makeup. There are better forms if you really can't manage without - like Weleda or Green People or AnneMarie Borlind Good luck

Prosse profile image

Hi There,

I dont have PD but someone close to me has. I use a lot of cosmetics that dont have the nasties in them and they work fine with me. More and more companies are coming away from having toxic ingredients in them snd you havd to shop around. Hair snd skin and facial cosmetics can be bought. Im in the uk and ive found many and mainly through ebay. Its a question of looking round. Ebay is good as you can message the sellers for thr ingredients. Sometimes you can make your own skin creams and herbal products tend to be all natural anyway. It takes time to find them but its doable! Nail varnishs are really the only cosmetics that you cant find natural ones however. Good luck with hunting the different brands!

Kwinholt profile image

CC, Oh honey, I am so sorry your day is consumed with all of this. I am such a foo-foo girlie. I love my make up , hair and my Chanel No5. In the running community, I’m called the perfect hair runner lol. I know you are scared but you are too young to not enjoy some of these things in life. You can look for things with no pesticides ect and still feel good about you. Enjoy your life and take care. ❤️ Karen

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