Diagnosed a year ago. I've embraced exercise fully and work out every day. Problem is I've lost a lot of weight as I'm struggling with getting enough protein and carbs as I'm now on c/l and food messes with its efficacy. If anything I'd like to build muscle and gain weight. Im sure others have encountered this challenge. What are you experiences and recommendations?
Exercise, Protein, Meds : how to avoid ex... - Cure Parkinson's
Exercise, Protein, Meds : how to avoid excess weight loss

My MDS doctor recommended Ensure Gold (5 scoops X 3 glasses) everyday to reverse my weight-loss. I hope this helps your situation.
Does it work for you?
What is 'Ensure Gold' ?
I was diagnosed three years ago. First thing I did was check Doctor Google. There I saw that weight loss is a common consequence of PD, I thought, Cool! But three years later I'm 30 pounds heavier.
I just made a post about whey protein possibly not interfering with PD meds. If you're not devoted to being dairy-free, perhaps you could try it.
I have exactly the same problem. Although my muscles are better toned than they have been in years, I'm told my bmi is far too low. I find having a substantial supper an hour before bedtime helps. I mix protein powder into full fat kefir, sometimes a handful of nuts, or crackers with nut butter.
Any particular protein powder?
That sounds like a recipe for a poor nights sleep, esp if nuts are involved. I'd need to have that 3 hours before bed to let my digestive system wind down.
You are not far from the truth! But I have no option but to eat protein at the end of the day. As a fellow parkie here stated " the choice is either eat, or move". Even the smallest amount of protein prevents my next dose from working. The problem is my very slow digestive system, and I'm struggling to get enough protein, or indeed food in general. I'm now just under 7 stone; far too thin for 5"6, so I have to eat mostly from 6:00 pm and spend the evening as a couch potato, until I crawl into bed at 11ish. I have only slept in 90 minute increments for years now, but in adding up ,a good nights sleep is 5-6 hours.
Just read this on the "Experiences With Fast Protein Digestion" thread;
"I have used Now brand whey protein isolate for years with excellent results. It digests so quickly that I'm easily able to fit it in between medication times. I have been able to keep my daily protein intake over 100 g for retention of muscle mass despite the various PD-related dietary restrictions. Your mileage may vary, of course -- some people object to any dairy, for example."
I've found vegan protein powders to be nauseating, but wonder if egg white protein would work as well as whey for those who are dairy free?
As much exercise as you can stand also is important to maintain muscle... Especially isotonic. Wherever you can exercise isotonic exercise, arms wrists moving lifting weight holding the lifting of the weight for 8 to 10 seconds or more and we'll stimulate muscle growth if you keep it up.
For the isotonic part, which basically means "muscle against muscle or pushing against something," I was taught to lift or press whatever bits you are engaging to the point that you can't anymore, to find your 100% maximum capacity for that exercise, and then back it off by 20% and then hold that for 10 seconds...and that would count as one "rep". (repetition). Then you do that for some number of repetitions.
It may help others if you tell us how much you use etc , thanks.
Taking Creatine ( 3 grams/day) may help with muscle gain when combined with weight training. Here is a link to a short nutrition video (with an option to read the transcript, and also links to the research cited): nutritionfacts.org/video/wh...
He has more videos on Creatine.
I discontinued creatine after I felt worsening symptoms, BoltUpright also posted about its potential negative results.
Wow, that's disheartening, first I've heard of negative effects from creatine.
I had Laurie Mischley ND pull the 2015 or 2016 paper that was said to potentially link Creatine use and coffee consumption with faster PD progression. We talked it thru on a call (in December 2023). Having read the research in question she said it was a non issue particularly if like me you take Creatine later in the day, and not with my morning coffee.
Thank you very much for that, JCRO. I was just digging around in past posts and it seems that paper about a possible interaction between creatine and caffeine led some here to conclude that taking creatine is a bad idea. Really nice to know Dr. Mischley doesn't believe that.
For those who are interested, creatine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid that helps provide energy to the muscles and brain. The body can and does make a certain amount of it, but most people need to acquire some from the diet (or supplementation) for optimal health. Meat and fish have the highest amounts.
In the 2015 study that JCRO is referring to, the dosage of creatine was 10 grams, which is twice the recommended supplemental dosage. And the interaction with caffeine took place at high caffeine levels....over 300mg a day, or 3 cups of coffee. Since creatine is essential and caffeine isn't, if I was worried about maintaining muscle mass I'd opt for taking a moderate dose of creatine ( 2 to 5 grams) and consider minimizing my coffee intake.
"Sarcopenia, defined as the age-related decrease in muscle mass, strength and physical performance, is associated with reduced bone mass and elevated low-grade inflammation. From a healthy aging perspective, interventions which overcome sarcopenia are clinically relevant. Accumulating evidence suggests that exogenous creatine supplementation has the potential to increase aging muscle mass, muscle performance, and decrease the risk of falls and possibly attenuate inflammation and loss of bone mineral."
I would also like to build muscle.
I switched to Garden of Life protein plus greens, 20g per serving, I take after I strength train every other day.
if I were you I would avoid anything with additive and “unfood” (stuff which is man made not whole food).
Get extra protein from nuts, peas, beans, lentils etc.
when we changed diet my hubby lost 25 kg over 6 months and he panicked that he was fading away as his body was very slim. His weight hasn’t gone done since then. I think he had a degree of body dysmorphia as he didn’t look right to himself.
Since then he has settled into his new shape. Truth is 90% of the western world is overweight, obese or grossly obese.
Look at the Tour de France cyclists in their Lycra. That is what a health fit athletic body shape should be!
Here is another suggestion related to muscle mass (and better mitochondrial function). Natural cocoa powder (not the milder Dutch processed) - one tablespoon a day.