"... the power of music has been particularly remarkable in the treatment of the dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease, ..."
The Extraordinary World of Music and the ... - Cure Parkinson's
The Extraordinary World of Music and the Mind

At my local Community centre , the Parkinsons folks gather for a) Singing and b) Dancing - especially tango. The local university is also doing research with music for PD folks. They are " wired " up with sensors and one PWP shuffles along very slowly with an assistant.. Then , unbeknown to him - the camera is focused & panning on him... the music slowly starts and unbelievably he dances off with no shuffling or gait issues !! Truly remarkable. Another initiative being undertaken over the past 2 months is PD folks - stage 2 and 3 who are still mobile are taught pickleball !! And their motor skills are improving ...
Remarkable indeed
You may be interested in my book “Music as medicine, particularly in Parkinson’s” in which I explore all the symptoms which can be helped by music. The book is available in English and French on all amazons.
Wouldn't it be better for you just to upload a copy of your book to free file sharing services than to endlessly promote it here (in contravention of HU's Terms of Use)?
First time she mentioned this book on this site.
She has committed to donating all proceeds from her other book. No other authors of books are doing that.
Besides, I have zero problem with authors profiting from all the time and effort it takes to write useful books. The world of pwp is much better off due to Ms. Bryan.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Good post.
Worked in home care for many years and witnessed the changes in people hearing songs from their past.
Music has amazing responses from people with dementias and Alzheimer's - those who haven't spoken or smiled start singing, clapping, dancing, smiling with joy - such wonderful - happy moments.
Just read the article you linked. It's an excellent read at so many levels. Good post!