I started using Sugar Shift daily, I see a huge difference fewer tremors, better sleeping, bowel movement, mood, and energy.
did anyone have experience with Sugar Shift for Parkinson's?
see link
I started using Sugar Shift daily, I see a huge difference fewer tremors, better sleeping, bowel movement, mood, and energy.
did anyone have experience with Sugar Shift for Parkinson's?
see link
first time i'm hearing about this product
what daily dose are you taking?
thanks for sharing
My PwP has used Sugar Shift for almost two years, and it has helped. He's been taking only one capsule a day but is planning to increase the dose.
do you know where you can get it in England. Amazon have run Out.
I used to take it with PS128 but it is expensive to ship to Canada so I stopped sugarshift. I am glad to hear it is helping with your symptoms
Did it help you?
How long have you been taking PS128? What does it do for you? 🥊
I have been taking PS128 for almost 3 years. I can't say that it has done anything miraculous for my symptoms but I have continued in hopes that it will help in the long run
The Story of Sugar Shift biotiquest.com/blogs/blog/t...
If Sugar Shift works for you that sugests that you could save money by just changing to a kefogenic diet.
Have you ever tried to do FAST WALKING?
If not then try it!
The rukes are:
1. Walk everry second day.
2. Start normal walking and warm-up and rthen walk as fast as you can for as long as you can!
3. After six months you will be able to walk for an hour.
4. Never walk for longer than one hour!
5. Never go slower than your fastest vrate, after you have warmed-up
Good luck and keep in touch