Would appreciate some constructive feedback from forum members and thanks in advance. The patient is my partner of many years and up until mid last year was still teaching until the symptomatic increase in her PD forced a premature retirement. She is in her mid 70’s and was diagnosed with PD in 2020 following which a number of neurologist visits have occurred.
Up to that point I was more of a supportive observer until having to rapidly play catch up (re PD medical aspects) and to take on more of a very involved carer when the above deterioration in her condition became apparent. The PD illness is further exacerbated by a long standing asthma condition, cerebral arthritis and a tendency towards anxiety on occasions. Does tend to make accurate symptom recognition/treatment somewhat of a challenge on occasions.
Regarding PD, there is a nominal tremor in the right arm. Fatigue, sleeplessness and a shuffle step can come and go. Gastroparesis is evident from time to time as is brain fog and intermittent cognitive lapses but the most debilitating is the unexpected nausea attacks which we would very much like to alleviate to some degree therefore keen to hear from any member who has had some success on that front. On the limited ‘up’ side there are a few periods of virtual normality.
Regarding the nausea, some months back she was introduced to a half ‘Alepam’ tab to be taken as and when anxiety was observed and it was during said administration of this drug that I noted that it generally stopped a nausea episode within say 20 to 25 minutes. A full tab used if the episode was more severe.
On a related issue, I recently came across the B1 HDT therapy topic on the web and have since purchased the book and followed up buying a quantity of sublingual B1 tabs. Commenced the basic dosage of a single 100mg tab on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Third week today. No obvious change to any PD symptom thus far. What is the most up to date suggestion re soliciting some sort of response to the therapy to actually obtain even a small indication that something is happening?
Think I will leave it at that for this first post. Cheers