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Clearing alpha synuclein, cheat sheet. - Cure Parkinson's
Clearing alpha synuclein, cheat sheet.

Thank you! From memory, it's Chinese Skullcap which is the most effective
Are there good supplements one can take that follow this article’s findings?
Have you taken Skullcap/baicalein? How did that go? Are you still taking it?
Hi, yes, it's been in my herbs mix at my request for some months now. I am undiagnosed, suspected prodromal / early PD. A week or two ago I would have told you that my internal tremors have ceased but they came back last night/this morning in bed, and today I'm getting a finger twitch. Not quite sure what it is that's done it but I'm suspecting it's stress from the news at the moment and the fact that I succumbed to a cheap subscription trial for The Times last night. Or it might be also because I had a sauna, and heat stress just doesn't seem to be good for me. Or because I forgot to fold up my bedcover and put it on my chest to act as a weighted blanket, and that was calming my nervous system. But I certainly think the herbs helped. I'm also taking other supplements.
Excellent article!
This post originated a year ago. Can anyone say whether medications helped you over the past year?
I'm betting on AHT. AutoHemoTherapy. I've harped on this before. This is an old remedy. It was popular before antibiotics were developed. In essence, blood it taken from a vein then immediately injected into a muscle. The body treats that injected blood as a foreign invader. It ramps up the bone marrow to increase the white blood cells, the body's main defense system. The white blood cells are elevated from 2% to 20% in the blood stream. Their job is to find and attack aberrant cells. Kinda like a bunch of 1950's science fiction movies. The cells are taken over and destroyed by RNA enzymes.
As I said, I'm betting that doing AHT to myself will lessen the formation of alpha synuclein in the blood.
AHT has come back because of antibiotic-resistant infections. Personally, I had a MRSA infection. MRSA was also known as flesh-eating disease. In my veterinary practice I found a dog with a pussy sore on his back. I prescribed antibiotics but it turned into a dozen pussy sores all across his back and shoulders. When I tried AHT the lesions healed. Eventually.
When I tried it on myself I saw improvement quickly. So now I draw 12cc of blood from my elbow vein, then inject it into two spots in my thigh muscles. A lot of non-medical people are doing this. Research AHT on U-Tube.