Rasagilene. Does it work ?: The first med... - Cure Parkinson's

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Rasagilene. Does it work ?

CuriousMe12 profile image
23 Replies

The first med prescribed to me was Rasagaline.I tried it for a week but it did nothing for me. Others I speak to say the same. Just wondering if anyone has actually experienced benefit from it.

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CuriousMe12 profile image
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23 Replies

I didn't think it was doing much until I came off it and my symptoms worsened. Back on it now. It doesn't have a strong effect as I gather it only inhibits an enzyme that normally mops up spare dopamine. I guess it's quite individual as to what's available.

Hirric profile image

Has been effective in flattening out feelings of anxiety, but it’s impact was very gradual over the course of several weeks.

pinoka11 profile image

My neurologist said it might slow the progression. This is not proved by research yet, but I notice my progression is very slow, so I will keep using it!

Zella23 profile image

It was added onto my husbands stack of C/L slowly after 4 years. It has made a difference and allowed the dose of C/L to reduce. My HWP has taken it for 4 years now. It took longer than a week to notice a difference.

Pezo profile image

Did nothing for me either , tried it for about 6 months , had no noticable change when I stopped it

islandbird52 profile image

Rasagiline was given to my husband by the 2nd Neurologist he saw. The 1st one gave him nothing! He has been taking it for almost 2 years now and there has been no progression of his symptoms. He was told it would slow down the progress and it appears to have done exactly that. Hope this helps!

Jefferami profile image

Taken now for 3 months ad my first PD med. For me a mild improvement. My 2nd MD said it wasn't effective at all and proscribed an agonist. Sticking with rasagiline for now as with exercise my symptoms have improved slightly.

CuriousMe12 profile image

Thanks for the replies. They do give me a different picture to my community discussions, which is good.

The similar selegíléne did nothing for me

As has been said, its considered to slow progression. I had a really strong response to it and only needed 1mg of Rasagaline for three years. A week is just not long enough to draw a conclusion. I found the first week horrible...

MarkPrana profile image

I started on rasagaline as my first PD med. It was at my request as my neurologist wanted to start me on C/L (Sinemet) and I was keen to start on something more 'gradual'.

To be honest, didn't really notice any difference to my tremor. Possibly noticed an improvement in that I feel I'm getting less dizziness on standing, which is odd as my neurologist said that symptom sometimes gets worse when you start taking rasagaline.

Started Sinemet after about 3 months on Rasagaline, and kept up the Rasagaline as it's supposed to make the Sinemet last a bit longer before it wears off. The Sinemet makes a noticeable difference to my tremor and stiffness, - it's great taking it before exercise as I can work out for longer and harder now as a result :)

donheff profile image

Can't say I know for sure because I find all the effects of PD drugs very subtle. But three years in on Sinemet 25/100x3 (plus an ER dose at night) my MDS added 1 Rasagaline/day added to the mix. She said it may be able to boost the Sinemet efficacy a bit. Ten months later symptoms seem unchanged so that is either good (could have gotten worse) or bad (I didn't see an improvement). I have the same reaction to an NR (NAD+ precursor) supplement that I started taking before I got diagnosed with PD. NAD+ declines with age and is essential to mitochondrial function. I can't feel anything from it, but my PD has been progressing very slowly (I got up on a slalom water ski last week at 75). Recently, I read that researchers are zeroing in on mitochondrial damage as a likely PD cause or precursor, and that long term studies of NR for PD are under way. So, either NR helps (my PD is progressing slowly) or does nothing (it would have anyway). In the meantime, I am taking a leap of faith and hoping the studies show NR is helpful. And I'm sticking with the Rasagaline. :)

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to donheff

What kind of NR are you taking, Don? I take 900 mg of TruNiagen daily.

Berylhorsey1 profile image

I was sold it as futureproofing, so I only expect to feel benefit as time goes on.

Smokeypurple profile image

I was told to start on a half dose for two weeks before increasing to the full dose as I'm usually a bit sensitive to new medication. I experienced a difference both times, although subtle. My understanding is that it makes whatever dopamine you have from whatever source last a little bit longer - like having an extra 10% on whatever you've got. Small increase but significant for some.

Mogul1 profile image

My neurologist began giving me complimentary samples of Azilect when it first came out. Rasagaline is the generic form of Azilect. He was enthusiastic about the reports he had seen on Azilect. I kept accepting the ssamples, but didn’t take them.

.Coincidently,, a elative with Parkinson’s contacted me to tell me about his

Successful experience with Azilect, his golf game improved. I had quit golfing basically because I couldn’t hit the ball. So, I began taking Azilect.

It was expensive. The generic version, Rasagaline was not yet available.

I began taking 1mg/day in the morning and in just under 2 weeks, something

was happening, People were commenting on my appearance, positively..

Over the years I have been able to participate in my favorite sports…consevatively, but I love it!

When Rasagaline came out,the pharmacist gave it to me automatically

thinking he was doing me a favor. I noticed the difference immediately and was stunned by the difference.Amazing.

Azilect and Rasagaline are both manufactured by Teva. My belief is that

Azilect slows the progression of Parkinson’s .


Parked profile image

When I was first diagnosed I was put on Rasagiline 0.5mg and it worked great for 5 years until I was prescribed sinemet (added to the rasagaline). Now I'm not sure if it's doing anything.

Fumaniron profile image

Taking it lowers my total Sinemet dose. Been on for a few years now

4000Nights profile image

You would not see any change in your symptoms. Rasagiline isn't for that purpose.


Sorry.... Just saying I have been on Rasagiline for 10 years since I was diagnosed with minimal change. I still walk without even a cane... can eat and dress and shower myself.... etc.

I take Carbo/Levodopa in addition... just the same 4 pills a day... for symptoms.

DrBruce72 profile image

Yes, it helped but only after I was 6x Kinson per day. Very helpful to make the original medication more effective.

LGIN profile image

Yo lo estoy tomando desde hace 3 meses junto con el ParkPex XR (pramipexol) y siento que la enfermedad no ha avanzado, tengo varios conocidos que tambien toman estos dos medicamentos y se ven bien, yo lo combino con ejercicios en el gimnasio y terapias de equilibrio y movilidad, creo que el gimnasio y las terapias me han ayudado bastante a recuperar la masa muscular

Surfdoc1 profile image

I've been on it three years. Worked very well for me initially but I always knew it would be supplemental to sentiment. There are studies out there that show this may have some impact on slowing progression . Don't know if Azilect/Rasageline but I'm the slowest Proggressor YOPD group.

Grannyfan profile image

My diagnosing neurologist started me off with Azilect and Sinemet ER. This was 12 years ago. Within the first week, my left hand tremor stopped and I pretty much felt like my old self for the next five years. Prior to my diagnosis, I also had pain and stiffness in my shoulders and lower back. I had been dragging my left leg and my reactions, such as reaching for something, were markedly slower and awkward. All of these symptoms left when I started meds also. At about the six-year mark, my tremor started to show up occasionally. And in the last five years, my PD has progressed, but not many new symptoms. For example, just recently my hamstrings are tight and painful and my doctor thinks part of this may be some rigidity setting in now. All in all, I've been pleased with the slow progression of this disease for me. If taking Azilect has caused that, I'll take it. And, I'm 12years in and just increased my Sinemet dosage for the first time last month.

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